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2005-08-05 - 1:23 p.m.

Similarities of the Face (or face fight)

Before - After

So there is this game, which pretty much goes like this. You take a face, and you match that face�s similarity to a celebrity.

It�s Here, if you want to play

So for example, if Natalie Portman played the game she would look like Natalie Portman and Keira Knightly

So here is a test subject.

Where just a random model girl looks like Cindy Margolis. Whatever. Now you get the idea.

**I lie a lot in my diary. However, none of these are lies, which make them that much more funny. I could be lying, but I�m not. You are gonna have to trust me on this one*

So the first person I did was me. Duh.

That last guy is,Takeshi Kaneshiro. Who is Takeshi Kaneshiro? He�s most famous for voicing the Video Game Onimusha. Awesome. Upon further investigation I came up with this quote:

"Just forget me... No reason. When it ends, it ends." - When asked how he would like to be remembered at the end of his career.

Great. I�m a non famous Asian Actor, and two old men.

Ironically when I ran Wicked Crazy�s face I acidentially did it as a man, and she popped up as this guy too. As a female she was the ever so famous Chi Hsu.

So basically I thinking that there is an Asian Skew, or this is a croc of shit.

I moved onto Analisa, who is Sanetwin�s daughter. She just got her first tooth, and check it out�

Asian Skew.

Then I decided it was time to take someone who might look Asian and see what happens. Unfortunately I didn�t have many people I knew that were Asian. So instead I took Erika from Peyton�s Place.

So this thing thinks that a Floridian with a tan = whitest girl in the world. So much for the Asian Skew theory.

How about Molly? Molly is wickedcrazy�s daughter who is a little, how shall we say it, goofy. But apparently when she grows up�she�s gonna be�.

HOT! I mean, Elizabeth Hurley is really hot. Not the kid. I�ve already been accused of being into bestiality, the last thing I need is kiddy porn. (google hits here I come!)

So now its time to screw around. I took Carl from Aqua Teen Hunger Force, and look what I got.

That�s the most accurate one yet! I�m pretty pumped!

What about the Dog Bride?

No offense to the Dog, but OUCH, that model has gotta be pissed if she ever sees this. I mean, she MOST looks like �Dog Bride.� Man.

Back to a few diarylanders. I took most of these from people from Flickr, in case you are wondering.

Krissy P from the Island, looks similar to Christina Ricci

Or at least a �Glam Shot� of Christina Ricci. Man, Christina, how�d you let that one get on the internet?

This one is particularly amusing. It�s the Vomiting Cod, the guy from my profile, and he looks like � this guy.

Eric Palladino. I�m waiting for the Troy McClure voice to pop up and say �I�m Eric Palladino, and you might remember me from movies like L.A. Dicks, Barry Dingle, or Dead and Breakfast.�

Tough Break Cod.

Bethany from diaryland looks like Jill Hennessy. From Jordan�s Crossing.

Neither interesting nor accurate.

Winner for the �woah� award goes to a one Ms. Nanotechmama, who likeness to a certain sports illustrated swimsuit model is definitely one of the most flattering likeness of this experiment.

I only read that issue for the sports articles. Geez.

I wasn�t surprised by this one.

This fine young musician bears a startling resemblance to a Ms. Neve Campbell. Sorry about that Julia. Why don�t you go cry about your parents dying again.

*Closer to Free* would cue up right now.

This one is just ridiculous.

That�s Sean Austin and 12 Ouch Mouse. 12 ounce mouse is an Adult Swim cartoon about a 12oz Mouse, who is fond of beer and is caught in a world of espionage and love, and unknowingly delights in odd jobs. And Sean Astin is Rudy. And I can�t spell his last name.

Little Star Wars shout out here.

Yoda looks like Qui Gon Jin.

This next one is real.

No really. I�m not joking.

And Finally there aren�t many time in your life you get to call yourself the luckiest man, but when I popped my girlfriend into the old face reader, I got some very lovely young ladies that resembled her.

You might recognize them.

So here is to me! And the best face game ever.

If you didn�t make the cut, that�s because 1) I didn�t do you. 2) It was boring (see the Bethany one) 3) It was offensive.

And since he requested not to really be up here�unclepumkin in white. Click the link to find out one of the stranger three people ever on the same page. Click here for Pumpkin

before - After

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