
Kelly - 2005-08-05 14:01:53
I didn't get the asain skew that you did when I did it with the same picture. I did get Reese Witherspoon, SJ Parker, Cindy Margolis, Jenny McCarthy, Lacey Charbet, Vivian Leigh and Jennifer Aniston. I'm ok with all of those, ahaha. I'm a bit freaked out that I have the same man face as you. Thats wrong on so many levels. Oh and my kid is going to be hot. Hot and a total goofball. She'll rule the world.
Gumphood - 2005-08-05 14:06:55
Sorry I stoped linking names. EARLY WEEKEND BITCHES!!!! No but really. Enjoy this. Let it simmer. The Asian Skew IS REAL!
Gumphood - 2005-08-05 14:07:45
And Kelly, you totally wish you didn't get the Asian Skew. You got Asia One, Kathy Bates, and Morgan Fairchild.
Kelly - 2005-08-05 14:10:02
Oh and if thats your results and shellys results, well she's just entirely way to hot for you. points and laughs...christopher walken. Needs more cowbell!
Kelly - 2005-08-05 14:11:28
Liar! hahaha. You know who got kathy bates. Youre just jealous and being a cry baby because I am way hotter than you are. even as a man.
Jackie - 2005-08-05 15:39:52
"They said, we're not from here, we're spase peepul"
Samantha - 2005-08-05 16:22:56
I tried two different photos of myself and got Cindy Crawford both times. I'm blonde and blue-eyed.
Erika - 2005-08-05 16:33:39
It's scary that people could mistake me for that girl who dated Marilyn Manson. What's even scarier is he grew up down here and I know someone who did go out with him before he was Marilyn Manson, so it's entirely plausible I would know him. Except not really.
Kelly - 2005-08-05 16:33:53
Hahahaha I just clicked the worst banner ever and ended up here. You suck! I'm being a comment whore today
uNCLEPUMPKIn - 2005-08-05 17:23:21
Brad Pitt, Kevin Costner and Ian Holm? Ian Holm. I either look like Tyler Durden or Bilbo Baggins? This is one of the most amazing things I've ever seen.
Bee - 2005-08-05 18:17:34
Holy shit! That was effin' hilarious!
Anneliese - 2005-08-05 20:08:58
Awww... you picked me. I'm honored!
awittykitty - 2005-08-05 20:19:08
Yay!! My picture turned up morphing into Elizabeth Hurley!!! YAY! And also some black actress. Ya..y! Huh? Um...Ok. Heh! Poor Johnny Depp. Bad Gump!
f-i-n - 2005-08-05 20:24:47
Actually, he's a famous asian actor...and quite hot, i might add..
betty - 2005-08-05 22:44:24
Ha! That chicks smile wasn't half as scary as my daughters!! that whole entry had me giggling. Especially you and Kelly have the same man face.
rok - 2005-08-06 04:28:40
I was in your hood today. Your Gump hood, as it were. Boston is cool - I will stay longer next time, take in some sights (by sights I mean beer).
candoor - 2005-08-06 10:25:54
I am addicted to this face thing... I keep trying it again and again with the same pic and coming up with new people... after a dozen or so males, I switched to females and it just keeps changing (even when I get the red dots in exactly the same place, though moving the red dots slightly does effect which pics turn up)... and then I started plugging in other people... I am so stealing your idea, but then, that's your burden of being a genius, you get robbed of brain cells a lot :)
Blaze - 2005-08-06 12:18:51
nikki - 2005-08-06 14:42:01
I'm pretty sure that I was three different asian women. On two different pictures. FUCK. All of my brothers were right. I KNEW I was adopted.
vomitingcod - 2005-08-07 23:31:44
I did it myself and I got david beckham, another soccer player (fredrick ljungberg) and chris klein. Weird.

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