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2003-11-14 - 11:06 a.m.

Porn and a Woman's Bathroom

Before - After

I had a dream last night that my ex-girlfriend was a porn star now.


Here�s how it went.

Kerbang and I were at his job. For some reason I decided to make his life better I needed to go with him to his job.

So his film shoot took us to the aquarium in Boston.

But it was all funky. You see it was a cave like setting with big giant walls and fish swimming all around. Now the weird thing was that there was a party going on. Like there was music and people dancing all around and lots of sand. And there was also a bonfire. Picture this. A cave, with sand for the ground and a big middle part with fire from a bonfire, but around the outside there was just glass and fish.

But again, Kerbang wasn�t shooting this for the film, so he had to sleep. So for some reason, in his contract, he could only sleep in womens bathrooms. Now, not big public bathrooms, but the individual ones that lock and look exactly like male bathrooms.

Anyway, he had me go into the bathroom and make sure it was clear. The weird part was, we could see it was clear after we opened up the door.

He looked at me, and said; for no reason should you wake me up before we have to go. I mean that. And then he took his carabu (that he slept on) and went into the bathroom and locked it. The girls waiting in line were pretty pissed, since there was a party going on, but they just used the handicap bathroom.

There were no handicap people in my dream.

So then I wandered around and had a few beer, when I saw my ex-girlfriend.

She was dancing and I watched her for like � 20 minutes.

See the last time we saw each other it didn�t go well. And so I debated talking to her at all.

But I talked to her.

And she was all into me for some reason. And we talked, and she was talking about sex a lot, and having sex. This was strange since she never talked about it really.

Then she took her clothes off, as well as others, and they started shooting a porn.

I was fully clothed.

But everyone else, including the camera guy was naked.

So she was still totally talking to me while she was having sex, which was weird, but they experience reminded me of this time when I met this girl from High School who was just different and much more sexual and very cool. But this was strange.

It was also very graphic, which I don�t want to get into. And not in a pleasing way, but rather in a frightening way. Like�a horrific way.

And they kept flashing the porn site up on the screens but I couldn�t see it. And my ex kept saying her pron name, but it was beeped out. Like in the movie Kill Bill, when Bride says her real name, and it gets sounded out.

So I went to wake up Kerbang.

I figured he want to see this.

Someone had put on the bathroom door, �Kerbang is a Sleeping Asshole� -- I figured it was a girl who waited in line.

When I opened the door (cause it was unlocked?!?) Kerbang looked at me, and said, �Is this any reason?�

I said, �Yes�

And he said, �There is nothing on the earth more important than my sleep. Why did you forget this?�

And then I woke up.

before - After

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