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2003-11-13 - 10:37 a.m.

Tale of Five Couches.

Before - After

Tale of Five Couches.

In the beginning there was space. And the roommates said�lets get couches.

So then the outcast named Ready found two couches by the side of the road and piled them into his mini-van and brought them to our castle.

The were of a 70�s uncool design and covered in a cheap silk green lament.

They had a stink.

One was placed in the room of the Gump. The other, the worse of the two, was placed in the room of the Kerbang. They were left there until suitable replacements were to be found.

They were brought into the house by Ready, and both placed in the room of the Gates.

Then, after some time, Kerbang set forth to his homeland and retrieved the sacred red leather couch. It was only red to his eyes, however, due to his colorblindness. This couch was both light, clean, nice, and comfortable. It had everything a person could want.

It was gingerly brought up the stairs and placed in the magic room with a matching carpet.

It was glorious.

But alongside that couch was placed another, lesser couch. This couch was one of the two green silk moths that the Ready has brought to the house.

It was horrible.

So then the task was set to replace this green monster.

The Gump discovered a place near the beach were a salmon style retro couch was being sold.

He was able to view it, and sit on it, and feel the comfortablness of it.

He and Kerbang met with it�s owner, who took this picture with the couch.

He was the highest kid whom we have ever met. His girl and him, were so freaking high. It was like a high haven.

So we moved the salmon couch into the room, where it also matched the rug.

But then the other green couch needed a place to rest.

You see, because I saw a picture on the internet for a couch that I wanted. You can see that couch here:

And I set a time to pick it up.

So we moved the green couch into the holy room.

Kerbang and I now had four couches in one room. And a waterbed. The bed was for selling; not sleeping.

So the comman room has four couches looking at each other.

We are calling it; �The Hungry Hungry Hippo Room�

Cause that�s what it looks like if you put balls in the middle.

But�then we moved in that previous seen white couch�

That was so heavy, and a sleeper, so it kept popping out. Dear lord�

Kerbang and I almost didn�t make it.

But we made it.

And that was my day off.

before - After

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