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2003-11-14 - 1:24 p.m.

I wonder about posting this, since, to my best guess�

Before - After

So, Anniewaits arrived yesterday.

Though I know she will read this I am going to write this in a very odd way.

She is from California. It�s very clear to my ears and eyes, (and as she discovered other people here�s ears and eyes) that she is from California.

I wouldn�t say that California is a bad state.

What I might say that Californina is a bigger state. Bigger in most every way.

Let me illustrate.

Where as here, in Boston, the focus of life is mostly centered on community, tradition, and family; California is focused on objects, money, and beauty.

I realized this very quickly after meeting Anniewaits. It�s not that she is like this, but the air of the state hangs on her.

The same air of cockiness that you feel from a New Yorker who�s lived in the city for just a bit too long.

The same air of �know-it-all-ness� that you get from any Bostonian.


The point is � California people can�t be impressed by things or beauty. They have the market cornered on the best of the best.

To Anniewaits, object �x� which I own is not only inferior to the ones her friends owns (and they own 10 limited edition) and despite the fact that object �x� to me symbolizes something about my accomplishments, her California friends have a better model and are better looking while they bought it.

And they should. That�s what they try to be. It is the focus of California. Looking good in all aspects. If your muscles are big, your wallet is fat, and your house is totally awesome, then you are all set in life.

Which quickly reminds me that I am coming at this all wrong. She isn�t a New York girl, she�s a Californian girl. I forgot this, for some reason. It took me a little by surprise.

Overall though, Anniewaits is very nice. She is really friendly and very outgoing. She is talkative and always has a fairly interesting thing to say. She is a very good person to be around.

She did talk a lot about hyper-intellectuals.

I think she used that phrase eight times. � I wonder if that�s a Cali thing or if it�s a Anniewaits thing.

I will say this. My first re-impression to Anniewaits was not nearly positive. A re-impression is when you meet someone again, after not seeing them for a while. That�s not like seeing a old friend, but more of seeing someone again who you met only once. That�s a re-impression.

You see I had a few things to do when she arrived. So I took her to a �drug deal� type of place, then to a lower class restaurant, and finally to our house, where; instead of going out, my girlfriend and I got into a fight. Now, we don�t fight that often, but Anniewaits just happened to be subject to one.

It was smashing.

And by smashing I mean really embarrassing.

I would give myself a three. (out of ten) as a performance.

However, she might also rate herself lower than normal. I seem to remember her being more �on� the last two times we met; that is to say, she made a very good first impression. I think she might have mentioned that, but I totally brought her down.

Maybe not.

Again, the point of all this is the following. I think Anniewaits will be fun to live with because she is nice, funny, and has a great sense of style.

I think her largest flaws will be her intolerance for the cold, her leaving water glasses out, and her Californian tendencies.

I would say her typical response to the final statement there would be �what does that mean�

The answer to that is the following: At times we will not see eye to eye on certain things because of the way you believe in something, and the way I believe in something.

To which, she would again say�what does that mean?

It means that on certain issues we will disagrees because you do things one way, and I do them another.

She would continue to harp on tying to get me specific, but I will not break, instead I will clarify.

I don�t think it will be that large of an issue. But some of the things that she will value, I will not, and a lot of the things that I value, she will not. It�s not like we will disagree on the color blue. Or get into a fight over who has to wash the dishes. It�s something in the subtext of our upbringing that is just not the same.

Its not like anything is wrong with either of us, it�s just that something is different.

It�s more like�while she was raised to like dark chocolate; I was raise to like milk chocolate. Therefore, when it comes time to buy chocolate we each wonder why the other likes the other type of chocolate. It�s not like we fight over it. Or even get upset over it. It�s just like we each wonder why the other person got that type of chocolate, and then we go on about our lives.

I wonder about posting this, since, to my best guess�

before - After

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