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2003-05-02 - 2:23 p.m.

Rambling on Dream Part 2

Before - After

The human abilty to create is one of the things that makes us unique. However, unlike the abilty to reason and the concept of time, that ability to create tells us something else.

Why do we create things? If art imitates life, then are things we create representation of us? Does a remote control tell me something about me?

How can it not. The remote was design BY humans FOR humans. What the remote control says to me is. I don�t want to move to change the channel.

However, on further inspection, Is the remote an efficency machine? It allows you to not move and yet flip channel, record, listen to music, raise/lower volume, turn the TV off and on, switch to video, and sometimes Display channels and information. Its not about not wanting to flip a button. Its about not wasting time looking at a TV guide, adjusting the volume during commericals, only watching one thing, changing the hue. You can do so much without moving. Your body is slowly becoming obsolete.

Is this because humans want to create a dreamworld. Not like the matrix. If our dreams are our deepest desires then wouldn�t be logical that those things we desire most are what we model our lives after?

Dreams were the reasons behind Kitty Hawk.

Dreams were behind microsoft. They have a mission statement there. When an team gets their software to shop on time, Bill gives the team a plaque. It says �Everytime a product ships, we bring the world one step closer to our goal of having a PC on every desk of every person.�

Who hasn�t dreamt of being that Movie Star, or fantastic writer, or hitting the game winning shot.

This is why video games have outsold the movies. They give you a more personalize dream daily. Movies tend to be personalize to the director and writer, and can alienate some people, but in the fast paced world of multimedia software, anyone can find the right game to fufill their dream. Virtual Reality

I have personally been a player in football and run the ball into the end zone with the clock running out. Ah Sweet victory in my hands and on my TV.

(I think that I like fake players more than real players in sports game because I completely invented them. They are randomly made, but I make up their story, their stats, and their glory.)

Don�t think that the correlation between being cool and playing video games isn�t inverse either. Trust me. Jocks may play video games, but you have less of a desire if your body has the natural talent to play a sport. The nerds and dorks of the world don�t have that talent and rely on the interactive multimedia of the video game indutry.

The dreammakers. Electronic Arts

When I play these games you rarely do it for the beauty. I normally play a lot of these games and say to myself �This fucker is going DOWN!!!� and then I challenge myself to win.

It has always been a dream of mine to be the best at something. I have yet to achieve that dream. I probably never will.

Dreams are forced down onto children by parents despratly hoping to make them succeed where the parent has failed. Dreams are passed onto generations of believers in religions, hoping that they will receive life after death. Dreams are given to signifgant others as a family is created. Dreams of two different people trying to merge. Talk about spilting an atom. How do you give up a dream?

Dreams have created skyscrapers, art, books, computers, the internet, video games, dynamite, war, peace, hate, love, remotes, robots, and movies. (and more)

Robots are my personal dream. When we are able to build a robot. The problem is that people don�t realize the robots will have a soul. As I write this I should be on some sort of drug. Beware the robot.

The aware robot

Back to dreams

Dreams create the most wonderous things in this world. I will always appreciate a skyscraper over a forest. Man made creations are increadbile. Trees are need based. They look the way they look because they need to. Bark for protection. Roots for water and stabilty. Green leaves for energy. Its pretty standard. It took millions of years for it to develop.

We finished the Big Dig in seven years. A giant hole going for miles and miles underground twice the size of Times Square. Nature bleeds. Man�s dream win. We can transport ourselfves faster.

Hyperevoltion. Instead of waiting for nature to give us an edge WE create it. We need to be faster, Bang, the car. Faster, the plane. FASTER. The leer jet. FASTER the space shuttle. Let see the cheeta do that. Those objects took us less than a hundred years. We created them out of our image of speed and flight. Those were ideas, and not reality. What other creature can turn a dream into a reality.

Our evolution has stopped. Our bodies are nothing but vessles of reprodcutive organs and our brains. We make them pretty to attract others. But you can be disabled and still work in society. How far would a blind girrafe make it. How about a handicap hippo.

Humans invented smoking. How strange is that. We can breathe fire. We are supernatural. We have trancended nature.

We have yet to transcend time. We dream of unending. We dream of closeur. We dream of love.

We don�t want to die. We want to go out with a bang. We want to die loved.

Why do we die? Why are our moment of death so pathetic? If one spouse dies, the other dies alone.

Preview --> Give up your dreams, for the sake of humanity (IE Gump likes to talky talky)

before - After

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