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2003-05-12 - 10:41 a.m.

Awakening 1 Waking up

Before - After

March 16 1985

I was boarding the bus, when I saw her. Kim. It was spring time, and something is in the air.

My parents have explained to me several things about life. One is that there are differences between boys and girls. This isn�t something though, that can be explained.

It just happens. A smell. A look. A touch.

Then you are hooked. And I was hooked today. This girl, Kim, was mesmerizing. It was like an episode of the Wonder Years where the music beings to play, and the film slows down and Winnie flips her hair, and Kevin is drooling, until Paul breaks up the day dream by popping a zit. She was the first time a girl made my heart beat faster, and made me want to do anything to please her, and for whatever reason my -nature- had been aroused.

She was so nice to me too, which boggled my mind. The guys in the neighborhood were as mean as nails, while she was sweet and kind to me. She always wanted to know how I was, How I was doing.

Today was the same. She asked me what I did this weekend. I reply with something horribly dorky, like I played with Transformers, and tried to play with the neighborhood kids, who took my pants. Not the words you exactly want to blurt out to your first crush, but I wasn�t aware enough yet. She told me how she brushed her hair, snuggled with her cocker spaniel, and played in the woods.

I told her how Steve Wong sold my quartz by telling me it was a rare gem, and took all my allowance.

She told me how her Mom and Dad bought a camper and she hung out in there and played with her toys.

I told her how I have been getting really good at this computer golf game. I got a hole in one.

She must have had a bad sense of smell, cause she should have smelled NERD all over the place, but she kept talking to me and being really nice. I think she was one of the first people to be nice to me. It made me aware that perhaps girls were different than boys.

They were nice.

And man were they pretty. I didn�t understand why, and still don�t, girls are so pretty to me. I just think that they radiate beauty. That attraction is something that is dormant until puberty occurs, but isn�t it strange how just one day you wake up, and things are different. Something about you has changed. One day you suddenly feel an attraction to the opposite sex.

I wish that I would wake up more often.

before - After

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