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2003-07-02 - 10:24 p.m.

Heidi and her backstory.

Before - After

I never told you how I met Heidi.

Or maybe I did

Who cares

This is the story about how I met Heidi. Me, Sam, and Vik were at a bar. Vik was on the prowl. Well. Semi Prowl. He has a really cool, really attractive girlfriend (sorta).

Sorta cause she lives in Rome. And no he didn�t meet her via the Internet, they went to school in the same town and then ended up dating as Vik grabed her number from her in a cool style.

Let it never be said that Vik doesn�t have style.

However, we are out at a bar, and we spot this girl, Heidi, who is just a really good looking girl. Vik rarely compliments girls looks, and he described Heidi�s ass as beautiful.

Beautiful it was, but this was the sort of girl that we wouldn�t talk to due to her beautiful ass. It puts us thinking; we liked X-men 2 too much and are dorks. This girl has no time for us and our pure dorkiness.

However Vik�s friend from work brought this girl. This girl seemingly wanted Vikram. However, we were talking about Heidi. So this girl, took the martyr role and approached Heidi. She told Heidi of our likening of her.

I was mortified. I can�t handle that sort of weird round about confrontation.

But it happened and Heidi came over with her friends. They were all from Boston with a thick, thick accent. Hyde park. Man. The friends were not attractive. My role was wingman. Vik was to hit the �primary target.�

Vikram described me as the worst Wingman ever. I was much too friendly to all the girls, but specifically Heidi. I was. I was the worst wingman ever. I did nothing but be nice and flirtatious. I did everything right; if I was trying to impress Heidi.

Also I was really drunk. I do remember that. I was mega drunk. I hurt the next day.

But that night I we talked with them. I think the biggest problem was this. Sam froze. He didn�t really know what to say to these girls initially. Vikram normally would have walked into smoothland, but he was torn between his Italian girl and tagging Heidi.

Not that he would have just tagged her. Vikram is a good guy.

He would have paid her carfare home. Or at least called the cab; If she looked up the number.

No I�m just kidding. I was the awful one. I was suppose to keep the other two attention. I did nothing of the sort. Worst wingman ever. I want to make that clear. Bad Bad Bad.

But Vikram made the night great with one question.

Rate us!

That�s right he asked the group of girls to rate this strange and dorky bunch on a scale from 1-10.

So they, dumbfounded, huddled.

They came back with the question. �can we use decimals??�

Vikram (running the show now) nods and says sure.

Then he wants them to rate us one by one. This silently was shot down.

They go back to the huddle�.

�7.5� their answer.

Its what we would expect. The safest, most non-offensive answer.

I can�t describe how girl that answer was.

It was just perfect.

Like Heidi�s ass.

But then she started emailing us. And all was forgotten. She is awful. And I can�t stand her words.

Sam gave her his email address [email protected].

He is whiter than paper, but thinks its funny to have a ethnic email address.

I agreed. So did they.

This entry is awful.

Like heidi.

before - After

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