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2003-12-02 - 11:04 a.m.

Today was the first snow

Before - After

Today was the first snow.

My hands were cold, the ground was white, and Kerbang left the van in the driveway. Man. We could have easily caught some flak for that one. Lucky us.

I saw two accidents this morning. Snow and Ice do that I suppose.

So let me tell you a story about a player Pimp name�let�s call him Lemon Meringue.

So Meringue has a dilemma. See he is not really dating anyone. This, in of itself, is not a problem.

But Meringue has ties to the past. These ties are strong. He has one girl who he dated for a long time who he still is in close contact with. They have a long and deep history together and have dated on and off for the better part of seven or eight years. However the past three years inconsistent doesn�t begin to describe their relationship.

Then Meringue, in the wake of girl number one being on the other side of the country and not talking or dating him, he met up with this other girl. She was a less forceful, meeker type of girl that he ended up usually agreeing with more than disagreeing. They relationship, unlike the first one, was more based in personality similarities than conflict. Meringue said it was weird cause he was usually so used to fighting and not agreeing with someone. I felt that this girl was a good match for him cause he seemed so calm while they were together.

Her only two problems were clarity issues, when either I, or Meringue (depending on how much he actually told me) were confused by what her real situation and real intentions were.

Nevertheless this ended, seemingly only because she left for a foreign Country. This seems to be a trend.

But now, alone, but not really distanced, Meringue seeks another girl, that he works with. I know little about this new girl save that she is attractive and lacks a certain article of clothing which only makes her more attractive. I�m sure she has other qualities, but that�s all I need.

The crux.

When we have our party, three will want to come, but only one can really be invited.

This is a decision that will have dire consequences for the immediate �play factor� of Meringue.

Invite the oldest flame; assured short term play, but chances of conflict headaches. Not inviting her also may cause headaches of the guilt nature.

Invite the cute Scottish one; 50/50 play chances, but assured pleasantry and calmness. Also she is just so nice.

Invite the co-worker: Play chances, (with huge �new contestant� bonus) but probably the least likely. But it�s also a great springboard to a fresh new, stable relationship. However, this may cut ties with the other two, who might be better options. Also it just might not happen, but the ties are still cut.

There are many more options I suppose, but these are just a few that came to mind.

I wanted to write about it.

I also wanted to mention that I had a dream about a vagina for like (seemingly) thirty minutes. I didn�t do anything to it. It was just walking around. It was kinda freaky.

Ready always tells us every girl EVER he EVER looked at ��gets freaky�


before - After

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