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2004-01-06 - 1:09 a.m.

Creation of the Universe Part 1

Before - After

There are things that are not well known in this world.

One is the origin of the duck.

Another, which is of seemingly much greater consequence, is the creation of our universe.

However things are not always as they appear to be.

The world began on a Thursday in a far off galaxy with a small, yet important problem. The problem at hand was trying to be solved by a young man name Galantor. He felt the creatures of his planet had a problem that only he could solve.

You see the creatures on his planet, a planet that incidentally has no name, had a very small, yet large problem. Rain. It rained nearly everyday. Gallons of rain! Buckets of rain that would make the earth shake, and the land disappear. In the upper region of this unnamed world there was snow�which of course later turn to rain.

This planet was very early in it�s development and none of the civilized creatures on the planet had yet to created a way to stop this rain. And none of the non civilized creatures had evolved to a point in which they naturally could combat this rain.

All the clothes that were made would dissolve, all the animals on land would be forced back into the ocean. In fact, almost every creature on the planet was indigenous to the ocean which incidentally was about 98.7% of the planet.

Only a few of the clever ones had figured out how to sneak onto the surface and take shelter. Galantor was one of these �clever ones� and he was faced with solving this problem. However, he was plumb out of ideas. This is until a sassy fellow came along and said one simple thing to Galantor.

�anything is possible�

And Galantor thought, and thought�and then realized�anything IS possible.

And so Galantor realized that he could find the answer. In an infinite universe anything was possible.

Even �a duck�

A duck was his vision. An animal that would hold the secrete to repealing water. A duck was the key to the evolution and survival of his planet.

So using the principle that infinity creates all possibilities, Galantor stated that if the world will be infinite, then he can create a machine that would speed up the process�since anything is possible.

And poof, with that very notion, the universe as we know it was created.

Of course, Galantor never found his duck, because in an infinite universe, there is almost no chance what so ever of locating a small insignificant animal as pointless as the duck..

Even if it was in fact, the very reason� the universe was created.

before - After

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