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2003-08-18 - 1:11 p.m.

Yard Sale.

Before - After

We had a yard sale at my house this weekend. I took a couple pictures later in the buying, when the good stuff was gone and everything left was crap.

So on the right side of the driveway we had electronics, printer things, toys, sporting goods and luggage. We weren�t exactly a department store so we didn�t organize our crap in a smart manner. This seemed to be the more popular side of the yard sale, though I think many might claim that it other side.

On the other side we had ceramics, knick knacks, cups and bowls, clothing, furniture, sledding equipment, dog gates (since our dog is dead), and bikes. This side was what I considered to be some big time genuine crap. Mostly everything we sold on this side was awful.

We also had three other sections I didn�t take a picture of. Music, Film, and Bags.

Oh no wait. I took a picture of the bag and purse section. The table was also for sale for five dollars. There were no takers.

Yes, but the film and music section was looted before the �doors� even opened.

The times was 9-12 for the yard sale. People showed up at seven. They scooped up the good shit. This one guy bought all my model planes. He was all over that. People even bought this quilt making book that my cat used to sleep on. It was a really crappy book.

The Crazies�

One guy showed up and had 4 teeth. He didn�t talk right. His name was Igor, I shit you not. He wanted laptops and he wanted them bad. He kept saying, laptops, I want your laptops. It was really similar to �I need brains for my master.� I guess Igor figured that laptops are now superior to brains. The world can exhale.

Watch man. A guy showed up who wanted only watches. He had 5 watches on his right arm, and 3 on his left. Why he didn�t even it out I will never know. I guess this guy really wanted to know what time it was. We didn�t have any watches, but he went back on his statement and left with a Chia Pet. The Chia Pet is the crappiest crap that you ever find in this crap sale. He gets award for crappiest purchase.

Big Red�He bought a mug and sheep. He paid for, but left the mug. The sheep�s location is still in question. Go to this website to find out where he is going to put it and here to see the moment of purchase, look no further.

We were also talked to by a woman whose cat goes on walks without the leash. The cat was gigantic. I mean really�it was huge. Dingus commented on its massive size. It was really friendly though.

There was more crazies than that but the craziest (I think) was the man who bought my CD�s

Selling my old CD�s was pure embarrassment. I am talking about putting Vannilla Ice CD�s and MC Hammer CD�s on sale. There was an Arrested Development and a Boys 2 Men CD. Jewel, Natlie Imbgrublia (or whatever). It was really awful and I felt embarrassment. I also sold off Porno for Pyros and all my Nine Inch Nails Cd�s.

The man was old. Probably about 65-70, and proclaimed when he saw my CD�s, �I love CD�s. I love Metallica.�

Then he scooped up my horrendous CD collection and bought it. I felt such same that this 70 year old man was buying my old crap. Is he going to be happy when he puts in the Natialie Imbrugliatorya CD. Is He going to shimmy and shake to �I wanna fuck you like an animal.� Shameful.

Then there were the leftovers. These were the total crap items. The first was the only Video that didn�t sell, called Boys and Girls. Why I own it? The main kid reminded me of one of my friends and the girl was hot. I bought it on ebay, which is the internet yardsale. No one else ever bought it.

Wanna Know why?

Well I�ll tell you but we have to have sex, and WARNING: �Sex changes everything.�

I don�t even know what Jason Biggs is doing in this movie. He had the worst character ever. I mean that, I have yet to see a worse character in a movie

Then probably the worst item for sale at the whole yard sale was a board game. Now usually board games are pretty decent, but you would have to be pretty bored to play this one.

Look at the cover. Doesn�t it just scream low production value. It makes the game look like its about Indian colonization, you know where the British tried to enslave the other Indians, the real Indians. And this lady is now his mistress.

He needs a monocle I have decided.

Yep it�s SUPER MASTER MIND, those of you who are just measly masterminds stay away. This is a game of cunning and logic for two players. Those two players are Dr. No, and James Bond.

The worst part is, and I hope you can see, it won two awards which they printed in French and Spanish. How bad is your game if you print your awards in French and Spanish for the American release.

This was clearly a Christmas gift. � I still have it, obviously, and I guess I�ll play it with you sometime.

IF YOU DARE!!!!!!!!!!

Also you can kinda see my house from the pictures, so I figured I would show you the view from my back yard. It's kinda sucks and its a little urban, but I think the sun was hitting it just right.

before - After

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