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2003-12-01 - 10:29 a.m.

Monday Wrap Up

Before - After

This weekend I took care of a Dog named Charlie.

But I will call him Buttercup to protect his secrete identity.

He is a Bichoen Frise. Which is French for poodle.

My friend Dingus said: �This is not the dog you get. It�s cute and all, but it�s just not the dog you get.�

I agree.

It�s not nice enough (or friendly enough) to be a loving mutt type dog. It�s not pampered enough to be a poodle. And it�s certainly not smart enough to be any sort of useful pet.

This is not the dog you get.

However, I got stuck baby sitting with it. I couldn�t quite tell what it wanted to do ever. It whined a lot, and licked my face sometimes, but the two things that made me wonder about it as a dog were the following.

It doesn�t like to be petted.

It doesn�t like walks.

I give this dog like a 3. Buttercup was disappointing.

On a happier note, I made money by looking after it.

I try to avoid these types of entries because they are like sum ups of the weekend, but that�s what you are getting.

It was a pretty good weekend, though slow. Unexpected cause thanksgiving is usually so busy. I spent a lot of time moving on the road. I did get to see my friends, and in the end, we had a great time together. It was a pretty good night, though I think I am still tired from it.

I did get to talk to Dingus a bit about what he should do with his life. I did make any recommendations one way or the other too much, because I think that this should be his and Sara�s decision.

I think that his life would be a happier one were he to move back to Boston. However, I think the �what if�s� and regrets that he would feel about making the choice would hamper his enjoyment in the future. No matter what he did he may feel like he made a mistake.

Ah, who knows.

I want him to move back, because I feel that it doesn�t matter what you do; only who you are with. He doesn�t feel this way. He wants to do something he loves.

I think anything you get paid for can never really be something you love.

Maybe I am too fatalistic for a Monday.

Look for that turkey to be gone later today.


Tick Tok You Don't Stop

before - After

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