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2003-08-08 - 1:10 p.m.

Word Art 5

Before - After

Am I too fast for you...I will be...

6 tips for fab eyebrows

witty_alias: Celebrity I resemble most: "Was last told, I look like I could be the offspring of Val Kilmer and Marc Anthony."


If I my imood is my mood, and I can set my imood, is my mood set by me?

I will stop when I make myself puke or I read a word of what I wrote


Are you to slow for me. You might be.









Is your dog happy?


Touch the top of the metal housing.

Are you toxic?


Slain Baylor player eulogized as complicated, 'wonderful'

Free Kobe for Rape.

Gossip: Fans throw bottles at Justin; plus, will Britney really wear Daisy Duke hotpants?

See you least favorite star taking a shit�next on extra.


Butterflies fly so high; why do I sigh when I lie and cry since I can�t buy the skill to fly.


You guttural doggerel hack, why don�t you just sip the juices from you sycophantic cyber-sluts




Apple polishing





Girls just want to have fun

Boy just want to have girls


Beware the Demons in your head, because they don�t stay there. They make their way out into you retina, and cast their shadows through your vision and all you can see is their deeds and their evil.

Those sun spots are them lurking.


U.S. troops shot and killed two Iraqis today who were believed to be making an illegal weapons deal

Pepsi Vanilla ups the ante in cola wars


200 only one less than 202.

My feet can clap for you

My knuckles break but do not bend

You never have walked and you will never run


The strangest day of my life was the day when I realized that all the talent I have was given to me by others. I am not an individual, but a genetic soup of ancestors and a dumping ground for bad advice.

The advice I give to you now.

My genetic soup I can only share with you after we have some wine.


675 bleeds numbers in my ear as the death of the nails Christ give me life in the water of the feet of boba the hut who looks like my great uncles Sue who should have been a man but instead gave me a bird when I wanted ice cream why would I want a bird if the can is pot in the way of the gun I tried to dance but I could only sing and in my head the words that ring are only lost when I speak and my brain my head it does not seek the infinite knowledge of the day and did you know that a crowd that claps will be together in nine raps and death and plagues I wish could take me away to the land of animals and babies to the home of perfection and the list of keys and greens and carrots and fire and goats and dolphins with duck hats where the mirrors reflect only thoughts and not image and the glass that breaks is good luck for seven eons.

before - After

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