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2003-04-30 - 1:04 p.m.

Rambling Dream thing Part 1

Before - After

I was listening to REM, and I desperately wanted it to stand for something. I know that it doesn�t stand for Rapid Eye Motion, but I was hoping that it did stand for Rapid Ear Motion. Cause that would be clever to hint that there music was dreamlike.

Then I was thinking about dreams. What are they?

I know that Art is a human invention. We came up with it; not nature or dogs or dolphins. Art is human perception. It�s said that art imitates life.

This means that what we draw is usually an ideal form of what we see. A perspective of something that is skewed to make it seem different, unique, beautiful, but nonetheless its based on life. Experiences, nature, feelings, pop culture. Art is our form of creative reality.

And dreams?

I think dreams are fantasy. The dream is the time in your life, when you have no outside stimulus and nothing else really matters, and you mind explores subconscious experiences you wish you had, or fear you might have.

It�s virtual reality.

What ever you can dream up happens in your dream, but you don�t have that much conscious control over it. You are safe, but you have a hard time being self-aware whether it�s real or not real. There is one thing though that holds pretty constant.

We dream emotions. Loneliness, happiness, sadness, fear�.. Dreams are not very logical and ridged as the real world. There is an errie abstraction. The activities in your dreams are very esoteric, since nothing actually exists; its just your representation of what you think exists.

A phone in your dream is a dream phone, your idea of what a phone is. It�s not really a phone. My phones are usually rotary dial phones. In your dreams, everyone�s ring is different. It�s our ideal image of what a ring is.

The point is that dreams should be looked at NOT as what humans perceive, but what we want to perceive.

The difference between dreams and art; Dreams are images of a man with wings; and a man falling to his death, flipped upside down, making it appear as though he�s ascending and flying.

We dream often times of flying. This doesn�t surprise me since people can�t fly.

I enjoyed swimming, because when I was underwater I felt like I was flying. I would toss and turn and squirm through the chlorine and water holding my breath. I felt so free.

We dream about living forever, or people worshiping us. Curing Cancer, writing a book, getting the girl, winning the fight, killing the bully, becoming something greater.

Then sometimes we dream of looking at a tomato grow for eight hours. (I have some boring dreams)

But our dream are nothing if not egocentric. Which means that they represent how you want to feel. In general I think that we want to be greater than we are. But that�s the rub.

We are nibblets. As humans we want to transcend to become something greater because we aren�t satisfied. That�s our nature. That�s why we invent things.

We are a self-improving animal. We work out, study, eat right, get money, do drugs, get more money, have kids, by a bigger house, bigger TV, best car, fastest computer, best game, nicest purse�..

Humans always want to be better. It�s why we are on the top of the food chain.

Our individual style is to be different than other, and different in that case makes you more unique that can make you better socially. Some follow and that makes their lives easier, thus better. This is not a new revelation. What I think is interesting is that our dreams represent this evolutionary mechanism. The dreams we have are about us desiring to be great, better, and unique.

Sam asked �Is it irrational to hope for something known to be impossible? Like should I hope to sprout wings and fly?�

Kerbang answered �I think that people who hope for that sort of impossibility are irrational and have no understanding on what it means to hope.�

I didn�t at the time, but I would agree. But I bet that people sure dream about growing wings. And that�s why dreams are a double-edged sword. They give us false irrational hope, but those hopes are beautiful fantasies that streak across the sky. I just think that too many people get caught in their dreams.

I don�t sleep much. All my friends can sleep like newborn kittens. I am often jealous of that.

Preview  How humans bring dreams to life (alt. Mad Ranting from a Gump)

before - After

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