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2003-09-12 - 11:52 a.m.

Pickle Juice

Before - After

I used to drink pickle juice. I don�t know why, but I did. It tasted really good to me.

Better than jelly or peanut butter. Better than cheese or pasta. Much better than candy or cake.

I used to drink pickles juice because it would get my head in line. It used to make my body strong and my mind sharp. It was like milk for the mind.

But it dries out the skin, and makes the throat burn.

Yet still I drank it.

I learned about the pickling process and wondered if I could ever pickle my body. Would the fact that I drank pickle juice help the process? Would my kids drink my pickle juice?

Could pickle juice really be bad for you?

They say that anything that tastes good id bad, but I like pickle juice while others can�t drink it. Does it mean that it�s bad for just me and good for them?

Sometimes when I go hope I will empty out all the pickles and place them in a period fashion on the kitchen table. Then I would pour the salty, sour brine of fermentation and pickle seeds into a tall glass and begin drinking.

I need to find a mate who likes pickles themselves, so that like the Hopi Indians, we can use all the items we were blessed with receiving.

I put dirt in the jars and try to grow plants.

But I can�t grow pickles.

Someday my pickle wife and I will grow happiness. That is if she is the pickle woman I dream of�

You can pick your nose, and you can pick your wife, but you can�t pick your pickles.

Should I choose my pickles or wife. Oh! I am in quite a conundrum.

before - After

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