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2003-10-03 - 4:24 p.m.

Joy and Inspiration

Before - After

Joy is best defined by that feeling when you have done something and it has turned out to be better than you intend it to be.

Joy can be that feeling of warmth from the fire that crackles in the cold of winter, with the light of the Christmas tree reflecting off the wall.

Joy is the feeling when the timing is perfect.

Joy is the sight of your dog actually catching the Frisbee for the first time.

Joy is the feeling of new sheets on your bed.

Joy is the touch of a loved one on you hand or back that is meant to comfort and not hurt.

Joy is the soap in my sink

Joy is a well placed joke.

Joy is the smile on the face of someone you have never met.

Joy is ending things before they go wrong.

Joy is something that I hope I have more of, but more than joy; inspiration.

I have used most of my time thinking and planning and playing games in my head. Arranging things and re-arranging.

I need to settle and indulge in some inspiration.

My inspiration food of choice.

Kraft Macaroni Shells and Cheese. (Three Cheeses)

I hope that you experience a little joy and inspiration this weekend. I know when I return after I get back on the internet, hopefully things will change. I am excited. I am actually thrilled that things are going this well.

Have a nice weekend everyone.

before - After

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