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2003-10-20 - 3:24 p.m.

Welcome to the Hamshack

Before - After

Welcome to the Hamshack,

This is a few snapshots of the apartment in which I now live. These should be considered, for the most part, the before shots of the place.

As you enter from the back you climb up a long flight of stairs that turns a corner into a long barren hallway. This portion of the house is unfinished. You see Albert, our first generation landlord, has done this whole place by himself I would imagine. In this part he was unable to put up any drywall. If you remember the entry that I posted earlier about the dryer, as you can see any fall into the wall will result in nails impaling you.

I don�t like nails.

The next part of the tour brings us to the bonus room, which has a nice view of the sun rising in the East over the Atlantic Ocean. Of course, I can�t see the ocean from the window, but it�s less than five miles away.

The Bonus Room�s name occurred as I asked the landlord --- what�s in here? And reluctantly he opened the door reveling the room. And I was like wow. This is kinda like a bonus room thing.

Albert took to that like a gothic chick to Prozac. He�s been calling it the bonus room ever since. He even wrote it on the key he gave me.

Look at the serene neighborhood. We will be converting this room into a bar/beerpong/fuzeball area to drink and hang out. It�s gonna take a little work, but when I pitch in, I am sure that I will get it done. And Lisa will help. Kevin will use it once it�s done.

Kinda like when he drove by when we were bringing the washer and dryer up.

Speaking of which�

There is the beast. Snug fit huh? That ceiling there is 8 feet high. This unit is a little bit larger than a vending machine. See that TINY space on the top where the detergent is�that�s where the guy had to crawl out of. Crazy huh?

Anyway Kevin didn�t help us bring this in. I am sure that he was going somewhere very important as he beeped and drove by. So important, he never bothered telling us.

It must have been Top Secret.

Anyway, note the fish theme and the blues all around. I am still working on it, but it�s coming out okay. The roommates are a big fan of the rug I selected for the bathroom. They called it �cute�.

I call it adorable.

Either way, �Lisa� now believes in my love of things like Cher, Maddona, and Clubs call the �Hidden Pickle.� However, over time she will come to know me as gay.

I am a happy straight man.

I hope you like the rug!!!

So I suppose you should see the kitchen. Albert has a fondness for bright blues and pinks. I shudder to think of his nursery. The whole place was blue and pink for the longest time. He was kind enough to paint all that was pink, back to yellow.

By kind, of course I mean cruel. I mean�look at that yellow. The only thing worse would be pink.

Nice kitchen though. Lots of trees outside too. It�s spacisous, but we are having kitchen table issues. However I think IKEA solved out problem. We�ll see what Lisa thinks. IKEA makes me quake with happiness.

Here�s the kitchen from a different angle. I like to come up with theme�s for rooms. The downstairs bathroom is fish. The Kitchen---why that�s going to be Cat Themed. You remember my obsession with internet kittens.

The obsession continues. Goals for the kitchen. Wine Rack, Table, and cat decorations. If you have a good idea where I can get some ridiclous cat photos...i am all ears.

Or paws as the case may be.

And I suppose, since we are in the kitchen, we mine as well show you the fridge, Cribs style.

Since we are poor, instead of Krystal I got Tang. We have Sam Adams: Octoberfest, Cherry Wheat, and Triple Boch, and then we have some water, orange stuff, soft drink, and Sunny D.

That�s cool.

Expect, it�s tang. I think I have something else in there somewhere. BORING.


The Bowling Alley. It�s the only empty room right now (lie) and we will be renting it to a fellow diarylander (true) in Anniewaits who steped up to the plate. Remember �who wants to live with the gump� Well�she replied.

This is her room. The room is big. 23.5 feet by 8 feet. A Bowling alley. It�s a crazy room, but lots of windows on both ends. I am thinking that she will like it.

Plus she is across the hallway from the bar.

Well�the little kitchen. This place was suppose to be two apartments, but hurrah, we got it as one. So this means that I get to do something magical and turn the upstairs room into a sweet wet bar. Check out the skylight. That things pissa.

So the idea is to renovate the cabinets, and those shelves. Yeah. I am completely going to redo those fucken things over. I mean those are awful. I will turn that area into a cool display case for all of our hard liquor. What do you think about that.

I am just going to need someone to get a mirror for that space above it. Hmmmm�. If you have suggestions let me know. The door there goes to the upstairs bathroom, which is also a full bath.

So next is the COMPLETELY unfinished common room. I totally need to get this under my gun. And by that I mean get the carpet and lay the rug. The reason I mostly include this shot is for the window view and then for you to see one of the three pre-installed bookcases in this room. It�s a readers delight. We are going to need decorations for those shelves.

The common area is boring right now.

Now for my room. Lisa, who took the photo�s, for some reason called these �Kevin�s Room� cause she�s been calling me Kevin.

I am hoping that will turn to fuckhead, and then cockbag. Then maybe Gump. Though it will probably stop at cockbag.

Like my desk and light. I put that freaking thing in myself. The desk is also hella nice. Good for lots of things.

I don�t have nearly anything put away, but I do have a junky couch, and lots of crap all around. The clutter in my room is driving me nuts.

I suppose it could be worse. This could actually be Kevin�s room.

Kevin�s brother came over and was like to Kevin�dude�you made this place sound bad. It�s fucken awesome. You�re an idiot.

I love Joey.

You know�little Kangaroos.

How do you like the place. Be brutally honest. I can take it.


before - After

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