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2003-07-09 - 4:51 p.m.

Clone 2

Before - After

After reading my first letter I imagine my clone to think of me as some weird Uncle Gump. Only later in life will he realize what I was trying to say to him.

I mean; thats what I would think.

Part 2

Dear Clone,

You are now ten years old, and I know nothing of what you have experienced in the past ten years. Your ten years has been but hours to me as I finished work and ate some food.

I wonder if you like soymilk. I am guessing that you like ice cream. That is my junk food of choice.

Happy Birthday. I wanted to address you for the next ten years of your life. 10-20. My god. There is no bigger change in a person than 10-20. It should take 30 years to go from 10-20, and frankly I think nature asks to much of our evolution.

But I am talking over your head right now.

It will be several more years but you life will shift from playing and games, to girls.

I know that you have probably had crushes on girls already, but alas nothing has probably come of it. You are far to small and blonde.

Here�s your surprise. You get your growth spurt early and your hair will go from blond to brown. It may have already started becoming brown, but in 6th grade, right in time for middle school you will get big. You will be lanky and discombobulated, but girl will start to notice you.

However, you may not start noticing girls.

I didn�t. Not until High school. Middle school was awkward, but you will stop getting beat up. You will also start being good at sports.

Good is a delicate word. You can play sports now. Before you were too small. Your mom probably didn�t want you to get hurt. Well now you are big enough to hurt others.

But remember what its like to be hurt.

I made some mistakes in middle school. Be kind when you are playing sports. I got into trouble when I broke someone�s leg in soccer. They couldn�t go to the dance. Be careful!!!

You probably read a lot. No. I forgot. Video Games.

But I had them too, and I still read. I felt that Video Games replaced sports. It replaced playing whiffle ball and chess and soccer.

I am sorry. I am rambling to you.

I hope you are happy. I wish the best for you.

Listen. Middle School will be over before you know it, and then you can move to high school.

The key with high school is simple. Don�t be afraid.

Don�t be afraid to do the things you want to do. Others will accept you, you don�t have to conform. High school is a grouping of cliques. You can break them.

Goth (or whatever they call themselves now) kids are some of the nicest people on the planet. The put up fronts of doom and gloom to be notice. Notice them. That�s all they want.

The music kids will accept you no matter what. Maybe you did take up the drums, maybe not. But I have a secrete. You can sing. You have a nice sounding untrained voice. You can pick notes out of the air without reading music. Use of it what you will.

I have always hoped that someday I would be able to sing my children lullabies.

You can�t dance. There are worse dances, but just follow my advice. Don�t be afraid. Everyone looks silly dancing.

You can swim. Its not to late. Don�t play volleyball. You may think you are tall, but that isn�t the sport for you. I mean it. Don�t do it. I did it. I quit senior year cause I preferred sitting in a chair at home.

Now I will talk about the only three things that matter to you. Girls, God, and Graduation.

Graduation is easy. Talk to your teachers. Experiment in classes. Change things. Write Different. Edit it and pass it in. Whatever you think that you want to do in college; you won�t. Don�t pin yourself down to a school that only is good at one thing. Give yourself options.

Once you are in, forget school and have fun. I mean that. Reward yourself. Drink, do drugs, and date. Before that, before you get into to college; study study study. Stay clean. Don�t drink, don�t do drugs. You have the restraint, to see the future reward.

Don�t be afraid to be around people that do drugs and drink. They have made different choices. They are still good people.

God. I think God is a good idea in High school. I don�t know what you believe in or how you were raised, but God is a thought in the back of your head. Accept what makes sense. Reject what doesn�t.

Girls. Don�t be afraid. Girls are the only person who is more concerned with how other look at them than you. Tell them what you think. Even the meanest girl will take a compliment.

Don�t date someone cold turkey. Get to know them as friends first. It makes dating easier. You will probably feel like you want to screw everything that walks. Like I said it not easy going from 10-20, but you also will date people for a long time.

You become invested in them. You are able to give emotions back.

Girls won�t flock to you, but you will be attractive enough to wrangle a girl or two. Be picky, silently.

When in a relationship, don�t be afraid to try things, but remember that you are only half of the equation. You must always agree before moving forward.

Always be honest and fair with you partner. Always. You will regret otherwise.

If you get dumped it will make you stronger. Don�t be afraid of being hurt. It will mean more to you in years to come than you will ever know.

Personallity and Looks. You must balance those in your partner.

If she is beautiful and boring, you will be talking to other girls

If she is unattractive and nice, you will be looking at other girls

Neither of these are honest or fair.

Last but not least; the pain of being deceived is far worse than the pain of the truth in most cases.

If you date for someone for too long because you desire to protect their feelings, then you have really hurt them.

College is your own.

I will write to you again on your 18th birthday, and tell you about the next part of your life.

Until then don�t be afraid of the world.


before - After

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