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2003-12-29 - 11:39 a.m.

All I wanted for Christmas

Before - After

To the person who wanted only �Two Front Teeth�:

This Christmas I was given many gifts. Surprisingly, most of them were pretty good gifts. I say this because no only am I difficult to buy for, but I am also don�t WANT much.

The most disappointing item of the New Year is a game I received that does not run on my brand new computer. That game is all done.

Anyway here is a list of things that I wanted for Christmas but didn�t get.

World Peace (I didn�t really want it, but thought I should list it)

A beamer.

My person Rapper

A Posse

A Ferret

A �My little Pony T-Shirt�


A Digital Camera

A new phone

A Jet


A winning lottery ticket

Smell Free poop. (It still smells like shit)

Avril Lavigne vs Ti Domey in No Pads Hockey (we�ll see how �punk� she is)

Ashtin Kutcher getting punked by Demi Moore (pregnancy comes to mind)

Star Wars 3 to come out, so that can finally be over.

For a study to come out saying, �6-9 beers a day extends life and quality of life�

A Money Tree (and miracle grow)

My own pony ride

I wouldn�t mind a cloning facility where I could adjust the fabric of humans�

A maid

A Leopard Print seat cover.

�Mandingo Toilet Seat cover�

Plaid to make a comeback.

A Knife set (for the kitchen, not for combating villains)

One of those vacuuming robots things.

Nubile female dancers to perform an eclectic act or piece of live art. (batteries not included)

A Piano

The ability to play piano.

Backup tires, which when not used are the size of mini-marshmallows

Pats Playoff tickets

The Cat and the Hat to never have been made into a movie.

Josie Maran

13 packs of Mini Coke

A Slip and Slide that works

The magical ability to make anyone break in the theme song to �The Neverending Story�

Turn around, look at what you see.

In her face, the mirror of your dreams.

Make believe I'm everywhere, living in your eyes.

Written on the pages is the answer to a never ending story.

never ending story

wada wa da da la da da la da da

Reach the stars, fly a fantasy.

Dream a dream, and what you see will be.

Lives that keep their secrets will unfold behind the clouds

There upon the rainbow is the answer to a never ending story.


Show your fear for she may fade away.

In your hands the birth of a new day.

Lives that keep their secrets will unfold behind the clouds

There upon the rainbow is the answer to a never ending story.

Never ending story.

Never ending story.

Never ending story.

Oh, and a luck Dragon.


It�s not like I ask for a lot�

before - After

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