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2003-05-05 - 11:51 a.m.

Chew -Chewed up and spit out

Before - After

This is pretty gruesome

As I boarded the train today I looked over at a fairly horrifying site. I heard a moaning, and not a sexual moaning, but a painful �I�ve been shot and your taking the bullet out moaning.�

Well I looked over and I saw him. This young light hair dude with a scraggily shit on. He was just standing there tearing off this bandage from his thumb. Then I saw blood roll out of the wrap into the trashcan he was standing over. He was moaning in pain. The top of his thumb didn�t really look attached. Strangely it kind of looked like a Pez container, but where candy should be; there was blood.

Don�t get me wrong; it didn�t flip open, but it had a hole in it that could talk. Anyway, I scurried on the train like muskrat, feeling queasy. I took my normal seat. Since I went out on Friday, I don�t have my defensive book or CD player. About five minutes pass before the train gets ready to leave the station.


At this point I am frightened. He has bandaged up his hand with toilet paper. Its already bleeding through. The train hasn�t even left the station. I want to ask.

�Where are you going? Do you know how much blood you are losing? Why haven�t you taken care of that? Who are you?�

But I didn�t answer. I just sat there trying not to look. Then a few women and a philosopher sat down with him, and me. The women, not afraid of blood in the least, started questioning him, and frankly nagging him to get something done with the finger. The Philosopher asked the questions that I wanted to ask. I love him for it.

Question: Where are you going? This was the best one cause with a bleeding finger (I mean hideously bleeding) you shouldn�t be on a train.

Answer: To work in Newton. �that�s a two hour ride BTW!!!

Question: What happened? This philosopher ruled.

Answer: My ex-girlfriend slammed my finger in her car door, and we had a really hard time getting it unlocked. ---Apparently

Question: Why are you going to work?

Answer: I don�t have health insurance and I was hoping that my boss would pay for my hospital bill.

Question: You job doesn�t have health insurance?

Answer: It does. I just choose not to get it; and I can�t afford the ER without it.

Question: How old are you? Can you parents help?

Answer: I�m 21, and they live in NC. And my Dad � (put in a bleeding to death soliloquy about an abusive father here)

Question: How long have you been bleeding?

Answer: Since last night. (this one shocked me. I thought it might have happened this morning. With this the women clamor like J.R. just been shot)

Question: What? (at this point the bandage has completely turned red, when I realize the �bandage� is Toilet paper and scotch tape. We are still about 45 minutes away from Boston. The conductor has taken his ticket and notices the blood dripping on the ground. She tells him to put a plastic bag around it or she�ll make him get off at the next stop. He complies.)

Answer: Last night after my girlfriend left I really wanted to finish my 40, so I did, and passed out. When I woke up it was time for work. So I had to go. The gauss I put on the cut (cut does not describe this) had soak through, so I grabs this toilet paper and headed out.

So the plastic bag began to fill with his blood and started making me feel ill.

The train pulled into the station 15 minutes late too, when he said that he was feeling dizzy. I think this is a situation where I am glad we get to choose if we get healthcare or not. I would hate to waste the taxpayer�s money keeping this guy together; I would much rather that he kinda get out of the gene pool.

To be honest the whole thing was sad, but it was based on stupidity. He made sure he had a cookie to keep his blood sugar high, but how about getting something other than TP to bandage it with. Other people from the train were concerned and they took him CVS or something.

This was an example of human hyper-evolution. In the evolutionary chain, if he was a deer, or a bobcat; he would be dead. In America he will be the poster child for free healthcare. I hope he makes millions.

Quote from perceptions directly

How do you feel about the pointlessness of life?

it's great, i think, because it means that you're not obligated to do anything. i remember a time when my cousin and i rented a jet ski and discovered that it was really fun to go as fast as we could and then take the sharpest turn possible, which would violently fling us off and make our bodies skip across the water. that's not something you could do if there was an absolute point to life. Onlookers would be like, hey, stop that, you just don't get it, do you? if the point of life came in a box from a store, i think that it'd come unassembled, without directions. you know, do it yourself.

before - After

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