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2003-05-05 - 12:44 a.m.

I hear that Everyone is doing it

Before - After

Part One:

Name: Gumphood

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

Birthdate: April 26 1979

Birthplace: Boston MA

Current Location: Boston,Ma

Eye Color: Gray/Blue

Hair Color: light brown

Height: 5'11

Righty or Lefty: righty


Part Two:

Your heritage: 75% Irish 25% Portuguese

The shoes you wore today: sneakers, New Balance

Your weakness: I answer the phone no matter what. I have problems answering questions directly. I hear things wrong. I can�t spell.

Your bedtime: 1:00 AM--- 2:00 AM

Time you wake up: 5:51 AM

Your most missed memory: The smell of stadium grass on a cold November night, or the nervousness right before opening night


Part Three

Your most overused phrase on AIM: hi

Your thoughts first waking up: I usually figure how many minutes I have until I have to leave. Its usually about 45.

Your best physical feature: I have always liked my chest, but I am told my eyes.

Pepsi or Coke : Coke

McDonald's or Burger King: Mickey D's

Single or group dates: either.

Adidas or Nike: Adidas

Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Neither

Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate

Cappuccino or coffee: Coffee


Layer Four

Smoke: When I do, I become a different person. So not often

Cuss: I try to, but forget

Sing: I have in musicals and in a couple classes. My voice is nice and fairly untrained.

Have a crush(es): Josie Maran, Framke Jannsen

Like high school: Yes it was really fantastic.

Do you think you've been in love: I am sure

Want to get married: Yes I do

Believe in yourself: How so. Complicated question. I believe that I exist. I believe that I can achieve certain things, but I don�t believe that I can do anything.

Get motion sickness: never

Think you're attractive: I don�t think I am unattractive. People have been attracted to me in my life, so from that stand point I would say yes.

Like thunderstorms: I find them to be fun

Think you're a health freak: I try to eat right and I exercise, but I NEVER worry about missing a day or anything like that.


Part Five: In the past month...

Drank alcohol: yes. Beer mostly, but when I am feisty I hit the liquor

Smoked: no sir

Done a drug: No

Had Sex: yes

Been on stage: Not this year

Gone skinny dipping: Boston�maybe when the ice melts

Gone on a date: That depends � what does a �date� mean. I would say yes.

Gone to the mall?: yes

Eaten an entire box of Oreos: no but those new ones a really good.

Eaten sushi: yuk

Been dumped: no

Gone skating: no

Made homemade cookies: yes I have. I like to bake, and cook for that matter?

Dyed your hair: I have wanted to, but never have

Stolen anything: Dinguspie�s heart .. .HAHAHAHSzza


Part Six

Age you hope to be married: 27-28

Numbers and Names of Children: Two; David, Nathan, Elizabeth, and lets be real. My wife will name them. I am bad with names.

Describe your dream wedding: A fun, non-lavish wedding that�s not a hassle

How do you want to die: Freezing

Where you want to go to college: I graduated from Two; I am not going back.

What do you want to be when you grow up: I am a Labor Market economist for the BLS. I am happy with that. Its what I wanted.

What country would you most like to visit: Italy


Part Seven: In a guy/girl...

Best eye color? Brown boy/green girl

Best hair color? brown both

Short or long hair: short for male, long for female

Height: I personally like equal heights

Best weight: It depends on height. Healthy weights should not drop less that 110 pound though. Or more than 250, unless you are a pro football player.


LAYER eight: Ever . . .

Played a game that required removal of clothing: yes

Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Well. I have puked from Lady alcohol here and there in my day. Worst two nights. Case race where me an Leigh did a case in 2 � hours, and night before undergraduate graduation.

Been caught ? doing something?: no but my roommate in college definitely got close a lot.

Been called a tease: No. I follow through

Gotten beaten up: Oh god. Yes. It was awful.

Shoplifted: no

Changed who you were to fit in: Sure, but nothing big. Like I won�t confront people on certain issues just because its not worth it. I don�t force my opinions

Regret something: Too much to list. I try not to, but I do, regret certain things. Mostly about hurting people. (emotionally)

before - After

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