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2003-08-20 - 4:28 p.m.

Mr. Boredom's at my shoulder

Before - After

Entries like this are why my diary gets low ratings.

Rather not low, because I guess on the grand scheme of things I have good ratings, but I am writing this entry against my will.

�Against your will Gump?� you might say, �But who is there making you write.�

Why kids, it�s Mr. Boredom.

�But Gump, you are known for being clever and funny.�

All a lie kids. All a lie. See today the normal �funny� isn�t coming out to play. This is because I am mind zapped.

You have seen these entries before, and you are seeing another one now. It�s the entry that�s just complete and utter shit.

See this is what happens.

My job gets really, really boring. I usually just wrote what I consider to be a good entry, and then I get over stimulated from excitement of having actually written something humorous.

Then I realize that�s the best I am going to do for the day, maybe the week. And usually it really is. But I also realize that I need something else to do with my time. So I piddle.


And I wait for some muse to come down and grant me some goddamn idea like a fairy fucken godmother.

But grandma�s on vacation and I am left here holding my mental wang in my hand, limp as a piece of French bread that just got put in the sink.

So I read other people�s diaries. Hoping that something will give me a jolt. But it was a fairly mundane day. Dinguspie updated the power beast theme and nerves to grad school, and I left him like 30 notes which were all ass.

My lobsters were pretty silent today, (there are three of you)

Danny and Marie were silent. (that�s one person)

A few new ones really interested me. My �e� girls. Elliorange and Emiline220 really took the load today. Poppyfish was interesting, but has been on a strange movie kick lately. Also, Procrasto came in with probably the best entry of the day.

So then I started banner surfing, and even went to Squirrel X, who is nice and all, but I refuse to submit to her over advertising whims yet. I do like those silly banners though.

Overall, I am generally unsatisfied with the diaries that I read today outside my buddy list. A few decent ones, but nothing that grabbed me.

So then I just start finding diaries, through a uiugi (I have no hope of spelling this word. �wee-gee--) board methodology of trying to find the inspiration in diaryland.

So I read.

And I wait.

And the clock ticks.

Nothing. I found very little that was worth reading; a few, but the percentage was low.

And then I get phonecall�It�s Mr. Boredom. Yes Sir�what do you want?

You want me to write an entry? Oh for Christ Sake, I am so dull today. My eyes are glazed over from all that silly reading I did.

What?! Write about me. No way. I want to avoid that. I done such a good job lately. How about I write about some fictional story or something about the news again�

Me? No way. I�ll do that tomorrow. I will write some crap entry about not wanting to write an entry.

Yes I know that will be really crappy.

Yes I am fine with that.

No I don�t have a standard to maintain.

Listen boredom, I will write cause that will kill time, but I will not, I repeat ,will not be proud of it.

Yes�I promise to write about me tomorrow. Ass.

I called you an ass.

Why? Why!? Cause I am running out of material.

----Anyway. I was reading this one diary today. Here was the whole entry.

I took my dog for a walk today. The bastard filled up two whole bags with poop

Regardless to say that was my favorite diary of the day.

I really hope that everyone can forgive me for this awful entry. My mind will be in place tomorrow. I will not burn it out on video games.

I think this isn�t the worst entry ever, but anyone who got this far HAS to be disappointed.

before - After

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