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2004-01-12 - 12:23 p.m.

At least I didn't eat out a clown AGAIN

Before - After

Lots of interesting things happen on the weekend.

Just none of them to me.

Well actually it was quite a delight (sarcasm) to find that drunk gump (I hate that bastard) got onto diaryland (how he guessed my password!!!) and left lots of drunk notes all over the place.

I think I called one girl cute. I told some one (and I quote) �Is lvoe uyu� .

It�s this sort of thing that makes liquor the queerest of all beverages.

You see its things like that which offend everyone. Here is why.

Lets say I told person �x� they are cute, and person �y� that I loved them. Well person �y� know wonders if I think they are cute, while �x� feels like a piece of meat. Now person �z� is all pissed cause nothing came their way, (mostly cause the writer was wearing a undershirt around his neck and pokemon boxers as he is passed out on the keyboard) while person �w� gets a message that reads �ghohaog osgho soooooooooooooooooo� and wonders if they would have just preferred person �z� dead silence.

Meanwhile, Drunk Gump is cruising the internet listing to Avril Lavinge at full blast, gnawing at some for of meat/tree bark combination, wondering if his clock is wrong or if it is actually 5AM, and how Arvil Lavigne got on his playlist?!

These are the many reasons I should have never given Drunk Gump my password.

But I think that Mecha Gump actually gave it to him. Mostly cause he is still pist I turned him into an astray/trashcan/phone charge combination.

Anyway, to all of you, let me leave you with a little drunken love.

�vie awlatys loved that you are able to tread my workds thwne I am drunk and my o ensely trues wish is that I was deirntking right now!�

Amen and Hallelujah. (my next entry will be juicy)

At least I didn't call anyone.

Oh and thanks for all the "no hangerover" hopes. But the truth is that often the hangover is reality of what you did the night before.

before - After

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