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2003-07-22 - 9:45 p.m.

Uncle Pumpkin

Before - After

I really got to give a "shout out" to Uncle Pumpkin cause he wrote this, and I didn't say anything funny.

I suppose this is his origin story.

I think he is funnier than me, but less weird.

GumpHood24: tell me you story

Pik ukE 1: my story is a long one, true, but fantastical

Pik ukE 1: It began when me was a little boy and all men wore hats made of cheese

GumpHood24: CHEEEEZE

Pik ukE 1: the cheese was brie, the hats were fedoras and the men were real men, not these sissy men you see today

Pik ukE 1: they were all strapping lads with callused hands and broken noses from their days at the nose-breaking factory

GumpHood24: Yeah...shit yeah

GumpHood24: bring in more shit

Pik ukE 1: the nose breaking factory was closed down due to poor sales as an influx of sissy young men ruined the market with their designer eyewear and non-dairy headwear

Pik ukE 1: with the advent of the autocar there was little need for the real men anymore

Pik ukE 1: so they sailed far away, to a land where monkeys and iguanas lived with a bitter, tenuous grip on peace

GumpHood24: hahahahah

GumpHood24: fucken Monkeys

Pik ukE 1: their only tie being the marriage of the royal monkey prince to the most lovely iguana in all the land; Princess Maracas

Pik ukE 1: so called because instead of eyes she had a pair of maracas which rattled with such force that they shook the very foundation of the iguana society whenever she laughed

Pik ukE 1: obviously it was against the law to make the princess laugh

GumpHood24: right

Pik ukE 1: but the men didn't know this

Pik ukE 1: and these were funny men

GumpHood24: cause they had cheeze in their mugs

Pik ukE 1: they told stories about the golden age of poo and the first time a man tried to eat his own shoes, but realized that instead of shoes he was wearing a pair of kittens on his feet, to which he was violently allergic and had to be hospitalized for kitten overexposure

GumpHood24: hhahahaha

Pik ukE 1: the princess overheard these stories and laughed until the very backbone of iguana society was on the verge of collapse

GumpHood24: Dude

GumpHood24: You fucken working it

Pik ukE 1: the monkey prince, secretly working to destroy the iguana society for his fellow monkey brethren egged on the men by masturbating and throwing feces at them

Pik ukE 1: but one chunk of monkey feces saw things a little differently than the rest

GumpHood24: right, cause thats what the monekys do

Pik ukE 1: he didn't see his existence as a joke

GumpHood24: it had eyes?

GumpHood24: ohhh

GumpHood24: I mind

GumpHood24: a mind

Pik ukE 1: this piece of feces, which went by the name of Mcrnaomeampmleinofrhghatagn

Pik ukE 1: because feces has a language all its own, unable to be pronounced properly by the human tongue

GumpHood24: hahahahah

GumpHood24: Fuck yea

GumpHood24: Its talks in shitty tounges

Pik ukE 1: this small poo, Mcrnaomeampmleinofrhghatagn, went on to do great things under the watchful eye of the men who befriended him and accepted him as one of their own

Pik ukE 1: he made such a difference in the world, teaching the blind to make fun of the deaf, the deaf to make fun of the retarded and the retarded to make fun of each other

Pik ukE 1: the men saw this and decided that he must be rewarded, so they fashioned him not a fedora of cheese, for his actions prompted more than such a meager rewarded

GumpHood24: you spelled that right

GumpHood24: again

Pik ukE 1: he was given a crown made of pie and hoisted upon the mens' shoulders as the greatest poo ever to walk the earth

GumpHood24: he walked

GumpHood24: ...or more rolled?

Pik ukE 1: the monkeys saw this as an affront, for they knew that poo never walked, they were merely thrown by monkeys

Pik ukE 1: but the men disagreed

Pik ukE 1: and so the war began between man and monkey

Pik ukE 1: many a poo was thrown, by man and monkey that fateful day

Pik ukE 1: Until one monkey stood up and cried out, his voice rocking the heavens "I bid all of you to stop and listen to what I have to say!"

GumpHood24: They wmonkeys don't stand for that

GumpHood24: now...

GumpHood24: did the Iguansa join them?

Pik ukE 1: The monkeys looked upon this lone monkey, who they all knew as one of the greatest monkey public speakers of all time and listened with rapt attention, for they knew this would be good

Pik ukE 1: unfortunately the men didn't understand monkeytalk, so they kept attacking and because man-poo holds so much more density than monkeypoo the monkeys were quickly overwhelmed and subdued

GumpHood24: oh no!!!

Pik ukE 1: It was not long before the men set their sights on the ambitious iguanas who saw the fall of the monkeys as their chance to take over the land

Pik ukE 1: but the men underestimated the iguanas and make fun of their tails and their licky tongues

Pik ukE 1: the iguanas took all of this in stride and feigned obedience until one day a brave little iguana named Flav took the family rocket launcher, passed down from generation to generation in his family and wiped out most of the men in one blow

Pik ukE 1: he then took their leader Mcrnaomeampmleinofrhghatagn captive and demanded to be crowned pie prince of Mitzkopotnak

GumpHood24: hahah

Pik ukE 1: Mitzkopotnak being the name of the island

GumpHood24: Did he remmeber his roots?

Pik ukE 1: Mcrnaomeampmleinofrhghatagn was not so easily cowed and told the usurper Flav that he could try his hardest to take power, but there was something Flav did not know and one day he would rue the day his ambitious nature took the best of him

Pik ukE 1: What Flav did not know was that Mcrnaomeampmleinofrhghatagn had a son out of wedlock with one of the plethora of whoring sand crabs abundant to Mitzkopotnak

GumpHood24: Flav is humam?

GumpHood24: ohhhh

GumpHood24: those slutty crabs

Pik ukE 1: that son was quickly sent to safety off the island to grow strong and one day come back to avenge his father

Pik ukE 1: that son's name was Uncle Pumpkin

Pik ukE 1: and that's my story

GumpHood24: hahahahha

GumpHood24: that was...fantastic

GumpHood24: ...

before - After

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