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2003-11-05 - 3:28 p.m.

To Synopsize

Before - After

I am going to see The Matrix Revolutions on IMAX tonight. I read a review of it that gave me a little faith.

To synopsize: With all the horrific sci-fi movies that are typically released, the Matrix is a shinning star, and even the worst moments of Revolutions are glorious in comparison to the likes of Wing Commander, Supernova, or Battlefield Earth.

Of course, disclaimers like that usually have a punchline like this.

Punchline: So don�t expect to much, so you aren�t disappointed.

I guess we will see.

And for those of you out there who now picture me as Mega Dork Gump, going decked out in skin tight leather clad outfit with awesome sunglasses; you are sadly mistaken. I would never dress up for this, you see I didn�t get the tickets, it was the friend of my girlfriend who is trying to woe her away from me. He got the tickets.

I am just reaping the reward.

I suppose that tidbit demands a follow-up story regarding how I am allowing a suitor to try and woe my girlfriend without beating him up.

But since it worked so well last time, lets try again.

To synopsize: He has liked her since High School. He�s a huge geek, and frankly, she is free to go at any time. If she chooses him over me, that�s fine. I just know she won�t. And if she does�I will beat him up then.

Which is acceptable. To describe him; he is like a chubby Kerbang. The only two things he has are 1) his superior intellect, and 2) his enormous pocketbook. Two things that are fairly emasculating to most men.

But I am still fine with him. He is entertaining enough. He is actually fairly nice, and I don�t mind his company. Plus some one this smart, with this many monetary resources may come in very handy someday.

And when I say smart, I am talking Pranva smart. I am talking ivory tower smart. I am talking mad scientist smart.

I taught him how to get a cab.

He lacks some things that make people complete.

But we are going to the Matrix with him tonight. My girlfriend, Chuckles, His girlfriend, and myself.

And now I suppose I must explain his girlfriend.

To Synopsize: She is also an MIT graduate and played water polo and rugby.

She could beat me up.

And in the end; that�s the rub. She knows that he is seeking my girlfriend. I know that he is seeking my girlfriend. And my girlfriend knows all of this as well.

And the question I ask to you is the following:

Would you want to date someone who is trying to date someone elses girlfriend?

And then the better question:

Would you want to date someone who is trying to pursue you, but continues to date his girlfriend?

before - After

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