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2003-07-19 - 8:46 a.m.

My Simpson's Episode

Before - After

Good moring,

Its 8:00AM. I love it. It�s Saturday.

There was a question thrown out there yesterday that had a very cool answer.

Q: If you were to write an episode of the Simpsons what would be the theme of your episode?

A: Ohhhh. It would be a Simpson�s Trading spaces. Now maybe a Homer Flanders one would be good, but I think that the two darkest characters in the show are Lenny and Karl. Who are they? Where do they live? Frankly I am just waiting for the Lenny and Karl episode.

So I figured that I should answer the same question.

I have actually thought about this, but my episode would be one with Lisa, who is in a intellectual competition with Millhouse.

We all know that Millhouse is a dumb geek. He�s really geekish and isn�t smart and its funny cause he doesn�t get girls and never will. He will probably end up being really bitter later in life.

However Lisa is smart, intelligent and talented.

BTW If you haven�t SEEN the Simpsons, please stop reading my diary.

So Lisa issues a challenge to Millhouse, at the proposition that he is in fact more intelligent than here. (maybe he did better in a spelling bee or something). She says that Millhouse can pick anything that relates to a challenge of intelligence.

So Millhouse, in one brief moment of brilliance, picks a Springfield version of Hollywood Squares.

This is perfect, because Lisa will instantly realize that is a game of intelligence, but its based on the intelligence of the people in the squares.

So the date would be set, and the town would have a selection for who would be in the squares. This is a perfect sub-plot section, which I don�t need to think up, I am sure others will.

I purpose the selections would be Patty and Selma, Cletus (and his 32 kids. [ of course he would be in a high up corner square so the kids could fall during the show ] The sea Captain, Nelson, Homer, (homer would be bottom left), Flanders, Principle Skinner, Duffman, and Whoppie Goldberg.

I imagine a scene where the Sea Captain is asked, �Where the legendary geometric shape is located, where ships disappear, and storms brew.�

He would say something like, �Arrrr I know this one. Ize think tis was miz wife�s purse. * laughter from crowd * (he would lower his head and say) �Ize never had me a woman.� �I believe that this location was named for the famous Monkees Singer�Mike Nesmuths strong box?�

Lisa would disagree.

Then the Sea Captain would lower his head and say �Ize no nothing about the sea.�

Then it would come down to Lisa needing a block and Homer being the linchpin corner.

There would be a plot where she doesn�t trust him, and the question would be something that happened earlier that Homer would know about. Like, what�s in Ned Flanders trash. Or �Who�s doctor Hibbard�s mistress.� (Actually I was thinking either Bumblebee man or Doctor Hibbard as host).

Lisa would look at her father, and for the first time all game, someone agrees with the box.

Of course, Homers wrong and then Milhouse wins. Homer laughs at Lisa as he says �sucker.�

Nelson would say, �HA HA�

After Lisa then goes up to Homer and asks why he did it. Homer will say, you know Lisa, you are a lot smarter than me, or bart, or pretty much anyone else here, but sometimes the sun�s gotta shine of a dogs ass sometime (or something funnier * damn you Simpson�s writers!!! * )

She would look over and see an overdramatic scene of Millhouse being carried down the street like Rudy (from Rudy) and she would realize that it was okay.

This is why I do not write for the Simpsons.

You guys got any ideas yourself?

before - After

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