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2003-07-24 - 2:50 p.m.

Jumping the Shark

Before - After

Okay. I guess I need to give an explanation. In this diary I have been writing a large long linkng series. It easy for me to see, but probably not the rest of you.

It goes through the following:

Birth---Awakening---Dreams---Love---God---Hate---Nightmares---Comatose (or maybe numbness not sure yet)---Death.

Each entry gets a picture and each series has 10 entires. The tenth entry is the �meat� entry that describes what ever the hell happened in the previous nine entries. The nine others are metaphors to the tenth.

By the end they should all connect. Each one I have done in a different style.

Birth�true stories told in flashback form

Awakeing�well�true stories told in flashback form

Dreams�Fiction story (dream) then parrelled by a true story or though.

Love�I can�t write ten true stories about love because I will puke. This section will be fictional forms of love that I think up

God�This will be interviews will nine different people and their views on God.

The rest: �. Stay tuned.

I hope you enjoy them. When I have a little time I am going to archive.

As for �jumping the shark,� what I meant was what a professor said to me once. He said that the story should build and that the conclusion should be an epiphany.

So in most the series I may have started off slow and then built up to my strongest work and epiphany. I worried that this last entry might have been my best of the series.

Thus jumping the shark.

Oh and if you aren't familar with that phrase I will explain.

There was an episode of Happy Days where Fonzi took him motorcycle and Jumped over a Shark in a tank.

This was the end of the quality of the series. IE it was all downhill from the point on.

Not to say that jumping the shark is the best episode, but rather that all to follow will suck.

Like when the X-files moved to LA, or when they replace Darren on Bewitched.

Or after season three in Buffy.

Anyway. I hope this clear things up.

As for those who haven�t read the last entry�.GO READ IT!!!

before - After

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