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2003-07-31 - 1:05 a.m.

Lists of Questions and Hopes

Before - After

First. Don�t forget about my entry One Word Which you can get to from the extra�s page. I have been updating in almost every day, and would love it if you guy would too.

Second, The Heavens have opened. Futurama has gone from viewership of 5.5 million on Fox to 2.5 million in syndication. Normally it drops like a brick. That�s just SICK. Don�t believe me; check out TV guide. However, if you don�t get it I am going to transpose the article now.

It�s a conundrum worthy of Professor Farnsworth himself: How did Futurama blossom into a cable smash AFTER a bumpy five-season run on FOX.

Set in the 31st Century the animated series has proven to be a rating success for Cartoon Network, averaging 2.5 million viewers a night in June. (The shows returns to the network�s lineup on November 2.) While that number�what executive producer David X. Cohen calls the show�s �hardcore group fans� � is little more than half of the 5.5 million viewers peaked at on Fox�s top seasons, its an impressive number for Cable. The show has also been getting good rating on TBS, where it has been airing weekdays at 2PM/ET since July 7.

FOX will air the final episode which it never aired Sunday August 10, at 7PM/ET. But Cohen believes that series will come back at some point, possibly for cartoon network, which is very interested. �In my dream world, Futurama would become a Star-Trek-like phenomenon,� he says. �It would keep growing over the years and suddenly there are movies and we�re signing autographs for $3.��TV Guide.

Yeah. Shit yeah.

Okay so the deal is, get you questions, and then for god sake let me know that you got them, so I don�t sweat it out. If you don�t like them, don�t answer them or ask anniewaits18. She makes up awesome questions.

Now. Questions for the Masses. I emailed Dinguspie his set, who has suddenly come back to life after 92 days of silence.

Tab�s Questions

1) Why Diaryland? What the hell brought you here, and what are the things that let you stick with it? What will make you stop?

2) How Did you feel about having someone else update your diary? Why did you do it? Do you feel that your diary can�t be that personal when two people are doing it? Are you real friends reading it? Ever had a problem with a stalker/person who you didn�t want to read your diary?

3) Beside Riding a Shark, What is you greatest accomplishment? What was the worst thing you wasted time on?

4) What are the 10 greatest thing someone who knows you would say about you?

5) What are the things that you look for in a guy and never find? How are guys disappointing you?

Bonus: What�s you favorite movie, and why?

Kevin�s Questions

1) Why Diaryland? What the hell brought you here, and what are the things that let you stick with it? What will make you stop?

2) You are a liberal thinker. Why do you think that a debatable majority of America is seemingly in line with the conservative viewpoint. What do you see that they don�t? And what good points do they make that you overlook when you get behind the liberal party?

3) When you are looking for girls, what do you look for? Have you ever cheated? What is the line in the sand that you drawn where you consider what IS cheating, and what ISN�T Cheating? What�s the best thing about being in YOUR (or �a� if you must) relationship? What�s the worst?

4) What are the top ten memories from your childhood that shaped you and you will always remember? And why?

5) What is the single most important thing that you do on a daily basis, barring stupid things like breathing, circulating blood, and general living things? What is the most boring thing you did today (it better not be these questions)? What is the most important thing you have done in your life? What was the most important thing you didn�t do in your life?

Bonus: What�s you favorite junk food, and how much could you eat if challenged to eat �as much as you could�

Procrasto�s Questions

1) Why Diaryland? What the hell brought you here, and what are the things that let you stick with it? What will make you stop?

2) The other day there were riots in Montreal. You stood against them. What is something that you feel strong enough about that you would riot. Barring military occupation, or severe oppression of civil rights, is there something that you feel strongly about that you would take you life into risk for? If not. Why?

3) You have referred to yourself as charming, and narcissistic, and yet you had a bad date. Why do you think this happened? What do you offer to members of the opposite sex? What about you do you think members of opposite sex don�t like about you? Have you ever changed yourself for a girl? Has a girl changed herself for you?

4) What are the ten most beautiful things that you have seen in this world with your own eyes?

5) What did you want your life to be when you were ten? How about 18? How about now? How about in ten years? Have you met all your expectations? Will you meet them? Which ones have you fallen short of? Any large regrets? What caused your life to take a different track that you expected? And you if didn�t, then what else do you wish you had done?

Bonus: What�s your best stripper story? What�s the worst taste you have ever had? For some reason I hope these two go together.

Marie�s Questions

1) Why Diaryland? What the hell brought you here, and what are the things that let you stick with it? What will make you stop?

2) Clay Aiken. There are lots of stars out there with talent, and you picked him. Was it arbitrary? Do you think that the new American Idol will yield a new love of your life? Are you ever embarrassed by liking him? Do you think that your interest in him exists because of some deep rooted regret you might have? What would you say to him, really, were you to meet him face to face?

3) In the land of love, you have chosen a life mate. What made you decided this? Did you have other options or cold feet? Where would your life be if you two never met? What was the first thing that made you fall in love with him?

4) 10 worst songs Clay Aiken could sing? That is�songs that would make you not like him or at least not listen to him. And then, your 10 musical fantasies. I know you have them, what are they? (boring example: playing in Carnegie Hall)

5) What is more important in life? Being able to laugh, or being able to cry? Have you learned more from the good times in your life, or the bad? Do you think that at some point life boils down to hard work?

Bonus: If you could live life twice; you die after one, and are reborn as a baby the same day, slowly remembering you past life over a period of 15 years, which life do you think would turn out better, and why? Oh and favorite Red wine.

Rok�s Questions

1) Why Diaryland? What the hell brought you here, and what are the things that let you stick with it? What will make you stop?

2) Is art a big part of your life? Do you have a favorite painting? How doe that make you feel? What object in your parents house will be the first thing you take when they no longer live in it, and why?

3) What is your most vivid dream? What is your most vivid nightmare? Can dreams give you insight into your life? Examples? If not, can nightmares? Again, If not, then what do dreams mean to you?

4) If you were going to be hit by a bus in 10 minutes and you have to make a list of 15 things you never did, but wanted to; what would they be.

5) Would you rather leave behind an amazing legacy of your choosing, and die next year, or live out your life as it is not die until you turn 95, healthy and happy?

Bonus: What is your favorite holiday and what do you do on it?

Sandy�s Questions

1) Why Diaryland? What the hell brought you here, and what are the things that let you stick with it? What will make you stop?

2) Why would a guy want to date you? What could you offer to �me� that other girls couldn�t, or wouldn�t do as well. What makes you unique. What are your �snowflake� qualities. (no two are alike) What scares people off the fastest?

3) Growing up with so many siblings must have been both fun and hard? What was it like? Do you wish you had more attention? Did you get enough? What is something that you all fought over? Give us a glimpse into your family�s life.

4) Ten things that make life worth living. Things that you just couldn�t go on with out, or can�t imagine your life if they were taken away. Ignore stupid shit like air, water, food, shelter etc �.

5) What is the most selfish that you have ever been? Did you regret it? Would you do it the same way again?

Bonus: What�s worse, forgetting your birthday, or forgetting your friends birthday? How about you boyfriend forgetting your birthday, or forgetting your anniversary (going out 5 years hypothetically.)

Ellen�s Questions

1) Why Diaryland? What the hell brought you here, and what are the things that let you stick with it? What will make you stop?

2) In an entry you said this ---�To hold the hand of another is to experience the belonging that angels know as a lifestyle. To connect in a meaningful way with another human being is to feel like angels feel all the time.� --- What does it mean to you? Why do you seek to connect to people?

3) What sound had made your heart soar? What touch has made your body tremble? What smell makes your eyes roll back? What taste makes your lips purse with anticipation? What have you seen that you think it truly beautiful?

4) Quick, you are about to die of a heart attack, write down the ten most important things you have accomplished in your life? Read them? What do you think about them?

5) You have had graphic entries in your diary, and also talked about phone sex, and other forms of intimacy. What about these things is important to you? What about them makes you feel alive? What do you like most? What do you hate the most? Why do you share them?

Bonus: If you could be amazing at one thing what would it be? What if you could only be amazing for just a few hours, and then you could never do it again. Would you?

I hope you liked them. They are going in your diaries, so I hope that they are specific enough. You answer them how you want. Want to make them funny! Do it. Want to make them serious and reflective. Do it. Just link back and cut and paste the below:

OKAY. If you want to take this, here is the cut and paste part. You can ask me or anniewaits18 to write the questions.

1 -- Leave a comment, saying you want to be interviewed.

2 -- I will respond; I'll ask you five questions.

3 -- You'll update your journal with my five questions, and your five answers.

4 -- You'll include this explanation.

5 -- You'll ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed.

before - After

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