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2003-10-15 - 1:57 p.m.

Freaky Moves

Before - After

The Washer Dryer story preceeds this one, but I think that my night last night deserves a tale as well.

I come home to watch the Red Sox loose (not a BoSox entry), and I make dinner.

A Chicken Caeser wrap.

And Ready walks in the door.

�You and Kerbang want to see Kill Bill?�

To which I answer for both of us, �sure.�

So one half hour later we are to leave to see this movie in the nice theater in Boston, for only 9.50 (as the mid west drops dead)

For some reason I expect Kerbang to emerge from his room at any moment and say, �alright buckaroos, I am ready to rock. Let�s Cowboy up.� Of course, Kerbang was still at work and not from Texas.

So Ready and I believe are to have an outing. Which is nice, and perhaps we will body over ninja bloodshed.

When a girl arrives. Another girl who I have never met before. This I think makes three.

She�s like, we gotta go. So she drives and we peel out into the night at Hillson like speeds. It�s kinda cathartic.

But they talk a little, Ready and this girl, and they seem to not really be hitting it off. Maybe it�s just me. I am dressed pretty poorly. Baggy pants, bright blue shoes, unshaven, unkempt. I mean I was going out with Ready. Was I supposed to get dolled up?! I suppose it�s unpreventable really.

So we arrive. We drove opposite the Red Sox fans that were honking their way through bumper to bumper traffic. We get out of the car and cut across the common to the theather.

I quickly learn that this girl likes tattoos, motorcycles, and works for FNX the alternative music station here in Boston.

Ready likes clean cut, tucked in shirts, perfect skin, gucci bags, and country music.

I thank the gods we are seeing a movie. Until I arrive and learn that we are seeing a movie with 4 other girls.


I accept this. I will see a movie with a guy dressed up as a Klingon, because all you really have to do for interaction in a movie is say how you either want to or don�t want to see one of the trailors.

Not that I have anything against girls, but I mean I am pretty unkempt. I slide my hood up, hiding my pretty face. HAHAHA

Ready then begins talking about hot tubs. And he brought up a stripper pole.

With Ready you will always talk about the following when you are around girls. Sex, stripper poles, hot tubs, his car, porn stars, and his big bonus which is always coming.

I will suggest that he get a big thick purple rug for his room. He refers to having sex as �getting freaky� or �bangin.�

The movie--- Kill Bill is a winner. Funny and fun. Gory and Gross. Not a family film, but a really good movie that I think most will enjoy. Warning�limbs are detached.

Best line: You may keep your lives, but leave your limbs. They are mine now.

Best Scene: Pussy Wagon.

The movie lets out. We go outside, I expect goodbyes. I get � let�s go to a diner/dunking donuts.

Ah, insomnia, nothing like a little coffee at midnight to put you to sleep.

We continue to talk to these girls. I think Ready brings up a stripper pole again, that he will buy after the hot tub with his big bonus check, but he can�t fit it in his sports car, so he�ll need to bang someone to use their pussy wagon.

I talk to these girls. They seem to like me. I think I am making a bad wingman to Ready. Then Ready brings up that I own motorcycles, one that I rebuilt myself. Like this helps him win over this biker chick girl he wants to get with.

He then brings up how he has a friend who does custom bikes.

He doesn�t have a friend who does custom bikes.

He�s got me.

And it�s time to go, so we drive home, and I end up talking to this girl about Batman (cause she works with comic books) and the Dark Knight Returns. It was a great conversation, cause it switched over to the Brothers Karamasov, which I am still reading.

That was nice.

However Ready and this girl�s only thing in common is that they both got speeding tickets.

Ready told them that he got three in an hour.

Do I need to tell you that he didn�t get three in an hour?�good.

Anyway, I think that as far as dating goes that it went awful. They had nothing to talk about.

So we go upstairs.

Ready, �That girl totally wants to bang me. I bet she�s totally freaky. You know�in the sack!�

I went to bed, but not before listening at Kerbang�s door for his breathing.


before - After

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