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2003-04-23 - 12:30 p.m.

What's in your Cubical?

Before - After

The Building I work in looks like Massachusetts from the Air. You know. If you saw it from a plane.

I work in Boston, but if the building were to be considered the microcosm of the state, then I work in Hyannis on Cape Cod. My home would make me live in the Food Court.

That would be strange to live in a food court and work on the Cape.

My Cubical is square, like a cube, or a game cube, but not a Cubic Zerconia.

The West Wall Faces towards Beacon Hill and out the window I can see the back of the state house. I have shelves and files on this wall of worthless reports that I am hanging onto because I am new and want to feel like I have important reports. There is a Rolodex that the previous person who worked here left with names and number of people he knew. They are all hand written. He has little notes next to each number. Here are some

Art Alson xxx 521 8255 --first entry

Action Management xxx 664-8990 --Note�need to take action?

Billerica House of Correction xxx. 667-1711 --Note ---Johnny x 4556

Capital Library xxx 727 2590 --Note ---Not Capital

Mari McKenney Department of Economics Framingham College 508 620 1220 --Note �Check her out

Hotline 7-7835 �Note ---This is strange

Japanese Consulate Dick Winslow xxx-973-9772 No note

Leggs xxx-693-1745 No Note

N. Beer xxx-868-3900 --Note �Delivers

Retirement Board xxx-367-7770 --Note ---Ask for Berty

Springfield Union News xxx-788-1000 --Note ---Rick takes stories

Nick Tiller Jr. xxx-544-4442 �Note ---Call his Dad

Zeid, Ibreham Sneil xxx-437-3817 last entry

This cubical I am in is a two tone gray. Its got a gray cloth part for texture and then a gray plastic part, I guess, for affordability. Nothing really sticks to either surface. The Shelves are metal and you can hang stuff from those. I have the Patriots 2003 Schedule hanging from one shelf.

On the South Wall, which is my open wall, I have a Plexiglass jutty of cubical, making the box feel like a box and not a horseshoe. Make no mistake though. The south wall is open. This is where I keep my trash cans. On brown one for trash and a blue one for paper. I surprisingly use both for what they are intended for.

There are also two cabinets of equal height on this wall. The are ottoman like are would be perfect to put my feet up on. Unfortunately, they face the south wall, so it wouldn�t even resemble me doing work If I tried that. I sometimes do it when I write faxes. The first one I use to hide my bag in. I keep all my papers in the shelves outside to make me appear to fit in. The other one I keep my plastic forks and knives in for lunch. There is a piece of tape attached to one cabinet that says Jack Hearth. He was the one who used to work here before he retired. I think he stole the other one, since everyone else here only got one cabinet.

I have a picture of the Boston Red Sox Closing team up on this wall. It lists reasons why they suck with a little picture next to them. Here in Boston we don�t want to see our heroes, we want to see the goats. I have a rating system where each closer get a strike every time they blow it. Three strikes and there out.

My Southwall overlooks Government Center and the JFK Building. It�s probably the nicest view. Its nice that its open. OF course, my cubical stares at a concrete wall so I have to get up and look somewhere else to see that view.

My east wall faces Boston Harbor. I can�t see anything from this side which is nice, cause the sun would destroy me every morning if there were a window there. This is the wall where I hang my jacket, notes about work, and my notes about sports. Right now there are three numbers to avoid, the Red Sox Schedule, and my brown leather jacket.

Under my desk, leaning up against this wall is the retirement plaque that the people here gave the guy who worked here. Its got notes from all the people I work with now about how they will miss him, and how they will never be able to replace him. Now I have taken ownership of the plaque. As I understand, on the day Jack retired, he got up and left ten minutes early and took nothing but his jacket with him. They say he left all his stuff and even his ID badge. People thought that he was coming back, but he never did.

I daydream at work that he died having a smoke around the corner, and didn�t have his wallet with him, so they didn�t identify him, and gave him to a teaching hospital to dissect. In reality, I think he just wanted to leave early with no big deal to be made. I threw so much of his stuff out when I started here.

I guess that brings me to the North Wall. The Bread and Butter.

This is the best wall cause I look at it all day.

My North wall is my desk. On my desk is the following; 1 Dell Computer. 2 Boxes of Tissues. 1 Pencil Holder. 5 Mirado Black Warrior #2 Pencils. 3 18 inch Rulers 6 pads of notepaper 1 train schedule and 1 foldout picture from Martha�s Vineyard.

The aerial view of this building does not incorporate Martha�s Vineyard. They didn't think of that did they. I guess it would be the hot dog stand outside. But he moves around. I don�t think islands can move. If they did I say that we steal Cuba and put it next to Alaska. That would show Castro.

The train Schedule is the only thing that I got to stick to the walls. Its done via tape and tape, and then more tape. Its fallen three times. I think the tape has increased the coefficient of friction enough to avert gravity for the most part though.

The computer is on this wall and is the focus of my attention. I give this computer a nine. If it wasn't here, I would probably die. Also Know that at most points during the day I am looking North.

I have a girly flower box of tissues, and a manly sailing box of tissues. I figure that two gender driven boxes of tissues would be better than one neutral box. What does that say about me? Am I my tissue boxes?

I have a little note hanging in front of me. Brockton Bridgewater Goddard Park. 1 Pearl Street xxx-894-x402 Eat her soul.

I wrote �eat her soul� in a way so that I would frighten myself every time I look at it wondering, �I hope I am note really that crazy, cause that looks crazy.�

That�s it, and now its time for lunch. I love lunchtime, and my cubical. I eat facing the west wall, you know. To mix it up.

before - After

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