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2003-04-17 - 1:13 p.m.

Birth 2 Velet Rope

Before - After

June 15th 1981

I am again in my car seat.

It�s a crisp day out for July. Like there is a storm in the air, with leaves blowing and trees rattling. The leaves sound like ice skaters on a melting lake.

My parents are taking me to the Boston Museum of Science, for the first time. I am young, but they just opened a new dinosaur exhibit, they really wanted to see.

I started walking when I was about 11 months old which is abnormally early for a baby. Apparently I was a terrible crawler, which my parents described as a marine crawl where I would drag myself. I learned to walk for awhile, until for some reason I just started crawling again. Now, at about 19th months I am able crawl normally. I think crawling is better than walking. My parents worry.

In fact, they have to carry me in public, which isn�t unusual, but mostly to stop me from crawling when I should be walking. However I have gained a good control of my sphincter muscle, which is a fair trade off for being carried. As we walk around this museum, we approach the Dinosaur exhibit.

We were on the second floor, and I was in my mother�s arms, as I looked up at this giant creature. This monster had sharp bloody teeth, eyes the size of basketballs, skin like hairless dog, and these tiny tiny arms. This is the sort of thing that would make most people run in fear, but I was in awe.

I guess I was never scared of the unknown.

Most people�s first memory is typical deals with either fear or sadness. Mine was due to pure awe. This creature, still as a picture, was my first actual memory. I suppose it was the first thing that I had seen that looked alive and was bigger than my parents. About 22 years ago my first look at this creature triggered something in me that allows me to remember things.

The T-rex is still there and every time I have gone since I look at it. I wish I could be more intimate with this statue. I want to be like a pigeon and ride on him, or at least have a smoke at his feet.

Several years ago they put up a velvet rope, so that you couldn�t touch the T-Rex anymore.

before - After

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