
awittykitty - 2007-04-04 17:50:59
I don't watch TV and have only seen "The Sopranos" on your list, but you're right about that show. Nothing momumental really happens other than an occasional murder, but we really watch it for the relationships. Everything is so real, even the small day to day irritations in a marriage or friendship. And its also about loyalty. How many of us wish we had the iron-clad loyalty of someone like Tony Soprano as our friend? Of course, you don't want to piss him off...
moonfearyy - 2007-04-04 21:16:58
Love. Nip/Tuck. That is my show that I have to watch.
Anne - 2007-04-05 08:23:36
Well, I'm jealous! We watch Heroes, but the rest are all on when I don't have the remote. sigh... And if I ever get to see the Sopranos, it will be on DVD. Hi!!!
Erika - 2007-04-06 16:12:49
Enjoy Sopranos till about season 4, then it jumps the shark. Still good, and we still watch it, but it becomes repetitive. See, something to look forward too!!
Lu - 2007-04-07 10:02:13
Um...I haven't seen a single second of any of those shows. Oh wait! I saw Veronica Mars once... Damn Canada! Damn full time job that takes up WAT TOO MUCH of my time!
gumphood - 2007-04-09 15:32:13
Daybreaking Riverolling hey hey.
dinguspie - 2007-04-11 15:09:24
dude, why don't you ever write anymore? Sara and i are getting battlestar galactica on DVD...i'm pumped and jacked.

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