
awittykitty - 2006-08-11 11:04:49
I'm not sure why when you said the flava thingie had one "moment of greatest per stick" it made me think of something else. Sheesh.
Al - 2006-08-11 11:09:26
You have just perfectly summarized the Freezie experience. I don't know about Flava, but up here, freezies are the shit!
Danielle - 2006-08-11 11:12:58
HA! They should get Flava Flav and all his bitchezz to do Flava Ice commercials. I can only imagine what they'd do with those things.
Gumphood - 2006-08-11 11:29:38
He'd probably have one of the Ho'es Dump in one.
infamy - 2006-08-11 12:42:08
Al - we never have Freezies anymore! I wonder if there are any freezies... I had forgotten the "chomp-it-into-slush-before-you-open-it" approach. That's a flashback to childhood, that one. Next up: Wimp out and use scissors? Or tear it open with your teeth?
pantrypuff - 2006-08-11 14:00:33
I get those for Josh :)
Phil - 2006-08-12 00:08:06
We used to have one's called sunnyboys back home but they were a triangluar shape so you could only do the dump. Gump you make me feel like I'm 7 again. Good times.
nepenthean - 2006-08-12 04:10:02
this had "pbs-popsicle-special/flava-ice testimonial" written all over it until the crappy product part. still rings true tho!
Meany - 2006-08-12 09:47:39
The dump method is my favorite. Also, entries like this one are, I believe the answer to many of the world's problems. You rock.
Lu - 2006-08-12 12:31:09
I think I know what you're talking about...but not totally sure. I used to like the grape ones, only half-frozen. That way you could get all the goodness of the slushie, in less time ;) Also, Al. I feraking LOVE freezies! I keep a good stock of them at work, so I have something sweet and cold in the summer. I too prefer the mush it up until it's slush, approach. God bless frozen treats.
AL - 2006-08-12 15:16:27
BTW, my favourite freezie flavour is White. Whatever the fuck that is. Followed closely by purple and blue.
Lu - 2006-08-14 12:23:02
My favourite freezie flavour is white, too. My least favourite is the melon ones. Gross.
mary - 2006-08-28 10:33:59
If you can believe it, they have those here too. But I'm afraid of them. They might have green tea flavor or sweet potato. I just don't trust frozen Japanese sweets. I stick with the Hershey popsicles or easily identifiable Bizarro Drumsticks.

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