
betty - 2006-05-01 17:22:53
I can't believe snakes on a plane is a real movie.
awittykitty - 2006-05-01 17:36:44
Two things: 1) I can't believe it. The only movie I want to see is the one that requires a vagina and hippie garb. Dang. I'm such a stereotype, Gump. 2) Tom Cruise, best movie action actor of our generation? Dude, do you smoke something funny today?
Cloudy - 2006-05-01 19:07:56
Oooh! Well done. I want to see 'Lady in the Water' most, 'Clerks' second most & then 'Snakes on a plane'. 'Miami Vice' is the one I least want to see and I never want to see or hear from Tom Cruise ever again...
dom - 2006-05-01 20:07:09
hey gump, i barely get to see any movies, so these little previews were really cool. what i need you to do is go see all these movies and then tell me which ones were worth it without spoiling them. k? thanks.
Marysensei - 2006-05-01 20:07:16
Oh man, oh man....which one to choose? Well, considering I can't afford to see movies in Japanese theatres, I think I'll have to rely on my mouse to bring them to my own little d-i-v-x screen. I am all about "Lady in the Water" and the Will Farrel movie. I will, of course, see the Da Vinci code (the book is good, dude, keep reading). As for thinking in yen, it is much easier than realizing the crappy exchange rate. Although with all of this yuan-reevaluation chat, the yen is looking pretty spiffy. If it hits 110, Marebear's gonna GoLloyds a heap home...
moonfaeryy - 2006-05-01 21:24:44
Oh...I'm going to see Da Vinci Code, and I will stay away from anything that Cruise is in....
StudioSlut - 2006-05-01 22:06:48
Just so you know... it's not much, but I gave a copy of the "Talledega Nights" script to unclepumpkin. It's not bad... but I wonder... Otherwise I'd say your insights seem pretty spot on. I just want Spiderman 3 to be done...
Meany - 2006-05-01 23:59:37
You have made me very sad, because I am torn between my devotion to Kevin Smith and my undying diary-luv for you. I'm sorry, but I have to take a chance on "Clerks 2" -- it's got the same original characters and ... Kevin Smith! You CAN'T turn your back on Kevin Smith, Gumpy!
Gumphood - 2006-05-02 08:56:52
I have to repsond to the Tom Cruise and Kevin Smith things.
infamy - 2006-05-02 10:12:05
Gump. I'm sorry. And this might be the end of our friendship... I'm with Meany, I can't give up on Kevin Smith.
Al - 2006-05-02 10:39:58
Kevin Smith Rules! M. Night Rules! DaVinci Code Rules! (I hope the movie doesn't suck cause what I really want is to see an A & D movie) I'll reserve judgement on Superman and Xmen. The rest, I can live without. Especially MI3. I hope it bombs big time! Tom Cruise has definitely jumped the shark! I'll probably take the Will Farrell movie in at the drive-in if it's the second of two movies. I find him to be more miss than hit.
Lauren - 2006-05-02 12:45:26
I am such a movie whore - I want to see them all. Except anything with Tom Cruise in it. And what meany said about Kevin Smith. Do NOT diss the Kevin.
Matty - 2006-05-02 14:16:46
Movies I will see in the theatre, and the order I would want to see them in:

- X3 (because the other ones were awesome, also it's filmed all around here, also my friend Arlyn knows Jubilee and I will potentially meet her at a party someday)
- DaVinci Code (because i liked the book despite myself...also I love puzzles and Audrey Tautou)
- A Scanner Darkly (I love Linklater, Dick, and I am an animator. Kind of a no-brainer)
- Cars (because this is the last movie Pixar is contractually obligated to make with Disney. After this, they can go do their own thing...imagine that, eh?)
- Superman (because of Singer) - Pirates (reasons of precedence)
- Clerks (see above)
- Nacho Libre (see above)
- mmmmmaybe the M. Night one (because I watched Signs on mushrooms one time and had a fanfuckingtastic time)

I'll probably see some of the other ones when they some out on DVD, but I'm pretty much with you on most of these, Gumpy. Except: 1) like Meany and Infamy, I still have to give Kevin Smith the benefit of the doubt. 2) If you think Tom Cruise is the best action star ever, you haven't seen the Transporter movies. Jason Statham is more badassed than anyone. Ever.
Anneliese - 2006-05-02 16:30:00
Tom Cruise the best action hero? But I can't take him seriously at all! I want to see Nacho Libre, because I like dumb movies. I thought Sin City was a good movie.
Kelly - 2006-05-02 17:49:10
Holy mother of god, is Matty ever right about the transporter movies and Jason. I would give a kidney to Will F just because of anchorman, so he'll always get my money, I hate tom cruise in absolutely everything, I'm with girlfriend about the pre firewall harrison ford, I will watch anything with Edward Norton in it plus i like evan rachel wood, and finally.....I am having Snakes on a mother fucking planes babies. snake babies. or little girls with snake arms?
sharon - 2006-05-03 22:34:17
--i HAD no faith in superman [as in i had to work with the editor in indirectly] but singer did such a good job with spacey in usual maybe i'll change my mind. --i wanna see lil' miss sunshine. --i don't wanna see 'just my luck'. I am DYING to see Da Vinci Code. I'm reading Angels and Demons [i read Da Vinci last summer...john refuses to read it as it is pretty 'empty'...i think he said that] if you want to borrow it after i'm done, let me know. obviously i would have comments on all your movie selections since i'm a film elitist and had to study it for a couple of years, but i'll save you the grief. that's what john is for [heh] if only tony shaloub was in any of those movies. *sigh*
mrgrainger - 2006-05-04 12:15:08
Tom Cruise, I would agree the last few films I've seen him in have been good. I'm glad that Kevin Spaceys name pops up in your entry though, I think he deserves some recognition as an actor.
sarkasmo - 2006-05-05 11:24:57
I have to see Snakes on a Plane.

BTW, this was a really long post.

Anything with Jack Black will make me laugh, whether I like the movie or not.

And I haven't told my husband about the third X-Men movie because I'm afraid what he'll do when he finds out they're not doing a Dark Phoenix movie. I read a magazine that describes a completely different story line, and this is really going to upset him.
Lu - 2006-05-10 11:16:57
A SCANNER DARKLY! I saw a trailer for this movie...YEARS ago. And I always thought to myself, "What happened to this movie? Did it ever come out? Is it on video alraedy?" I even went to the video store once and asked for it, and they just blinked at me. Anyway, I don't know if it's just the animation over live-action, but it reminds me of Waking Life. So for that reason only, I wanna see it. Also...Ed Norton is fantastic. I have to wonder if the cowboy movie might be okay, just due to that fact. Clerks much as I like it, I think it'll flop. Poor Kevin made a big mistake with Jersey Girl. I think the big movie for this summer with be The DaVinci Code.

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