
Matty - 2006-03-27 17:50:31
Hmmm...are those men happy, you ask? Well, thieves and squatters they may be, but if they're selling bikes and have been squatting somewhere long enough to have potentially created an easement, then eventually someone will want to tax them for it. One could think they should enjoy their lives of carefree squalor while they still have them.
Phil - 2006-03-27 20:18:30
At least now we have the opportunity to ponder our sadness rather than being chased by scarey animals across the savanagh. It's all a matter of persepective.
willowfox - 2006-03-28 01:54:47
Yeah. And cigarettes. I don't know what that means, but that's what I thought of. Glad to add a bit of intelligence and cutting wit to your comments section. Anytime, Gumpy. Anytime.
Feral Guy off the highway - 2006-03-28 08:19:49
Hey Maudlin Mary, quit trying to get up all in our business. I'm comin for your bike you miserable bastard.
Al - 2006-03-28 10:10:00
I think their happiness comes from a place none of us will ever know (at least I hope so for both our sakes). A place where they only answer to themselves, this is true freedom.

True freedom is a nice ideal, but most of us don't really want it because it also means freedom from society's comforts. It's those comforts that keep you and me from seeking that true freedom. We're happy to trade a little bit of that freedom for cable, internet, a warm bed, etc...You think your truly free? Ask your boss. Or the taxman. Or the cop that busts you for walking to the newspaper stand naked...I digress.

Are those squatters happy? Probably not. Should they be? How should I know, I've traded my privacy for 500 channels and my soul for a high-speed connection.
mrgrainger - 2006-03-28 17:32:58
Some interesting things you have recently written. I'd say some people dont know exactly what happiness is, be it through physical things such as ones environment, or mental things such as undervalueing etc. How many of us know what we want in or from life? that can make a difference to motivation and potential future happiness.
jackie - 2006-03-28 18:43:29
Actually, evolution weeded out the happiest people and kept the neurotic, unhappy ones. The happy people, going around being happy all the time, did not make good cavemen, if I may use that term (I'm a little nervous about offending the ones from the Geico commercial, they really take it personally). They'd be walking around, all "Life is so wonderful!" and then BAM! CRUNCH! Eaten by a big, hungry animal they didn't even see. Meanwhile, the unhappy people were hiding from the big hungry animal that they happened to notice due to them always being nervous about something horrible happening. That's our legacy.

Where is tent city?
Katie - 2006-03-29 15:53:15
..Okay, I totally forgot what I was going to say because when I read the "Where is tent city?" thing above this box I started to giggle and giggle and that killed any chance I had of making a respectable comment, which was already a very small chance. I am sorry, sir. I could PITCH A TENT and wait until it COMES back. har. Oh I kill me.

I apologize. Totally uncalled for. Hi.
Summer Gale - 2006-03-29 16:19:11
The last person I knew who lived in a tent or was basically homeless was a bi-polar alcoholic who had zero chance of holding a real job. The venue you mention for making money would be the only thing he could do besides beg or deal drugs for somebody else and incidently I wouldn't trust him with MY drugs!
sarika - 2006-03-29 17:05:36
quite the pensive one aren't we? x
Summer Gale - 2006-03-30 15:36:59
Gump does this look like your server Do you use comcast? Someone from massachusetts has been reading me and I'm trying to figure out if it's you or my ex BF snooping on me.
bethany - 2006-04-07 13:10:09
You're so fucking profound.

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