
betty - 2006-03-23 14:46:10
entry *thumbs up* picture *two thumbs up*
jes - 2006-03-23 14:53:35
such good advice. you're an inspiration!
cloudy - 2006-03-23 15:17:06
I totally agree
Summer Gale - 2006-03-23 16:01:18
You made a sticky issue much clearer.
Summer Gale - 2006-03-23 16:02:20
BTW when did the Jungle Store start gracing your page?
Blaze - 2006-03-23 16:46:03
I hate it when everything in my life feels like "betterment", things that aren't easy right now but I'll appreciate eventually. 1) college 2) diet 3) exercise. I need more fun!
Kelly - 2006-03-23 17:12:09
tl;dr. In more important news, there are MUTHA FUCKIN SNAKES ON THE PLANE.
golfwidow - 2006-03-23 17:12:29
Where does bedmaking fall? I love fresh clean sheets, but does the bed have to look like a Macy's ad when I leave the house, if we're the only one's going to see it?
kerbang - 2006-03-23 17:24:23
dammit. Kelly beat me to it. I don't think taking out the trash is betterment really, i mean, there will be more trash next week. it's something that needs to be done, but isn't it the same as vacuuming the rug?
dom - 2006-03-23 20:21:08
yeah, seems that everything that is not "fun" is "betterment" or why would we do it? I mean, the things I do for someone else might not be fun, but i do them for the betterment of the relationship. was that your point?
Phil - 2006-03-23 20:44:06
I love snarky Gump entries but posts like this are the ones I re-read. (Is sex a chore, a betterment or work? I think I've dated different girls which each could apply.)
DanjerusKurves - 2006-03-24 12:59:44
Who is this intelligent, rational, perceptive person? and what have you done with Gumpy??
DanjerusKurves - 2006-03-24 13:00:52
Who is this intelligent, rational, perceptive person? and what have you done with Gumpy??
bethany - 2006-03-24 14:39:19
I'd work you for free.
vomitingcod - 2006-03-25 18:19:02
reading this entry made me better in a fun-chore kind of way
marysensei - 2006-03-26 03:46:28
Sorting my trash into burnables and non-burnables here in Japan is supposed to be a betterment (environmentally speaking), but I see it as a chore. Thus, I have ceased from doing it. If I put everything in the burnable bags, the trashmen don't know the difference. Some dumb people in my building threw out the wrong trash in the plastic bag, and the garbage men shamed them by leaving it on the sidewalk with a huge sticker on it that chastised them in Japanese. I laughed my ass off because trash ended up being a betterment: I am savvy in the ways of beating the trashmen.
zying - 2006-03-26 08:36:20
holla. haha relationships ought to be categorised under "chores". why spend ur whole life tryin to compromise? in the end, they never last. or if they do, it is a "chore". <3

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