
Kelly--actual irish girl - 2006-03-16 15:52:03
I must have missed the memo that holidays were supposed to be sexy! And I think you look at tshirt girls entirely too much. Just sayin.
Gumphood - 2006-03-16 15:53:52
They don't have to be sexy --- but it helps!
St. Patrick - 2006-03-16 15:56:38
I've gotten laid more often than you've jerked off. And you have the palms of a she-wolf.
Matty - 2006-03-16 16:30:55
IRA, Gumpy; not NRA (though they do have some similar interests).
awittykitty - 2006-03-16 18:13:13
Its not the kilt that's sexy Gump, its whether Sean O'Patrick O'Hoolihan is wearing any underwear and whether his shamrocks are nicely shaped.
sarika - 2006-03-16 18:56:26
i swear in america you celebrate every holiday known to man!! But that's kind of cool. Every day here is a saints day you know, someone out there with the same name is celebrating...I would love to celebrate them all. Why did only San Valentino get all the glory? !x
Meany - 2006-03-16 19:36:44
Dude, for real, I don't get it either. And for some reason, Savannah has this GIANT St. Patty's day to-do, and it is not REMOTELY Irish. But it's okay because we can drink on the street here. Cheers!
Phil - 2006-03-16 21:14:45
Oddly Saint Pattys isn't a big deal in Australia even though the Irish were the original immigration base. I guess we're going to get drunk that day regardless. I do have to say that kilts are very comfortable and a sporan is the pefect place to keep your keys and cigarettes.
Katie - 2006-03-16 22:33:15
What are you talking about? With all that booze and everything? Everything is sexy and you appreciate it more. Like, oh, that chair is so hot. And, dude, I never noticed how special you were before. I don't mean those mean things I say. And, hey, baby, what's your sign? FLYING PANCAKE (...that's a story) And cold suggests snuggling. Naked. You obviously haven't bee celebrating correctly. Pft.
jes - 2006-03-17 14:36:05
I friggin own that shirt. I had it on this morning.
cloudy - 2006-03-17 15:50:32
I am wearing my St. Patrick's day thong.
Summer Gale - 2006-03-17 16:22:27
I sent you an email but it must have got filtered as spam. Meanwhile cloudy above me husy made green sexy for you! Green thongs rule!
Matty - 2006-03-22 00:42:31
Gump an' T-shirt Girl, sittin' in a tree...
marysensei - 2006-03-22 02:31:44
Ahhh, my friend, Chicago's St. Patrick's Day DOES offer beads!! In the shape of potatoes!! And the "plastic Irish" wear them with pride. But it is definitely not sexy. Especially when the guy wearing them who has bought you Smithwick's all night suddenly spills your beer all over your going-out jeans that you JUST washed. AND he still wants to try and hook up with you. Nope, definitely not sexy.
Kr!st!n - 2006-04-05 14:25:48
I beg to differ. My roommate finds kilts sexy. Lord knows why, but she does.

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