
mrgrainger - 2006-03-01 16:48:55
I remember the cosbys and I'm in England. As for the broken arm story idea, I like it, brings back memories of me trying to haggle.
willowfox - 2006-03-01 17:21:54
Tim from The Office (BBC) was 30 and lived with his parents. Update more.
awittykitty - 2006-03-01 17:26:42
I just can't see how Terry Bradshaw and Kathy Bates could create such a beautiful example of manhood as Matthew McConoughy in "Failure to Launch". You've already lost credibility before you've started. HEY! Maybe it was artificial insemination and Sarah Jessica is really his sister. Now there's a comical plot!!
dom - 2006-03-01 17:30:54
oh my god. you just created a series based on my life exactly. well, not the broken arm. oh my god. am i going to break my arm now? noo!
Sarika - 2006-03-01 17:46:38
I want to watch your show. Also I am impressed you like the Office -no-one ever seems to get british humour but the office is just so clever. Hope your all goods! x
Phil - 2006-03-01 20:35:23
"No ones dream girl is Sarah Jessica Parker" - so true and their first mistake.
GoingLoopy - 2006-03-02 10:08:07
If you sell this series to a network, can I have a job as a writer? I've had all sorts of practice on unemployment and job interviews lately...
jackie - 2006-03-02 10:25:33
Well, I'll see Failure to LAunch when it comes out on DVD because, well, Matthew McConahey.

Did you ever see the show "Get A life" with Chris Elliott back in the early 90's? NOw there was an awesome show about a big loser, living with the rents, and his job was a paperboy? That was frickin' hilarious. But it didn't last because people just didn't get it. I got it. You would be good at developing tv shows, look into it! Oh, and yes, the new truck will be used for plowing. =)
Al - 2006-03-02 13:34:29
Gump, I love the idea and I would love to be on that writing team. As a contractor in the tech industry, I feel I'd have plenty to offer here. It seems that sitcoms are making a bit of a comeback. You should really pitch this as I think it's a winner. I'd watch it.
Mary - 2006-03-02 20:27:35
Oh, if wishes were yen, beggars could ride....
Meany - 2006-03-03 08:39:30
Dearest Gumpy, why don't you work in television? Maybe you could start out by dressing up as a ninja and hanging out at the set of your new favorite show.
Kelly - 2006-03-03 13:00:47
You should write a treatment about robots, wolves, and girl elves played by boys thats set in a bar. With an occasional turtle thrown in. THAT i'd watch.
kerbang - 2006-03-06 18:59:44
you know, the show you describe is remarkably similar to a movie the ol writing partner pitched to me. at least, it was about a guy who moved back home and there was a scene with a Career Day speech. i think Free Ride has a good premise, but mostly because writing partner gave up on the idea saying (about two weeks before the previews started airing) "Nobody cares about twixters anymore." Idiot.

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