
Matty - 2006-02-24 16:59:11
I am having a strange situation. I have a girlfriend for the first time in a while. I know that sometimes guys get more attention from other women when they're attached, but since we've been together, all these cool and cute women are contacting me unbidden on Friendster and Myspace. No one ever did that before. I'm happy being attached, but where the hell were they when I was single??
Clipchick - 2006-02-24 17:08:05
However, I do believe that you are an atypical male, because you recognized that your action classified you as the dog that your gender turns into... Matty-there's somehow an unspoken vibe that must transmit from you somehow that the women are picking up. Everyone always wants something that's unavailable...just a thought...
Zon - 2006-02-24 17:42:21
I think you've hit on a truth that so many people don't want to acknowledge: Good-looking people are treated better. Women do it for good-looking men, too, only maybe not as often or as blatantly. Gawd knows I've made exceptions for hotties that I probably shouldn't have. Great entry, Gumpy.
dom - 2006-02-24 17:46:26
gump, that was priceless. i've had a few girlfriends that have said, "ooh, look at her. she's hot, isn't she?" and there is no correct answer. guys are dogs no matter what we do. and Matty, i think once a guy has someone, he is automatically less desperate/searching and more confident/laid-back, which i'm sure is an attractive quality.
Matty - 2006-02-24 17:52:53
Dom, yeah, I get that part, I'm wondering how all these ones on the Internet know! Can they smell my attachedness over this ethernet cable? And yes, Gump, don't feel bad. Even the most devoted and sensitive of us are still susceptible to hotness. A woman who expects her man not to at lest notice other women is expecting her man to be blind or dead.
Matty - 2006-02-24 17:58:12
Not to hijack your thread here, Gumpy...I understand why women would be more attracted to a laid-back secure dude, but I have not altered my Friendster or Myspace profiles in any way except to change my status from 'single' to 'in a relationship'. I didn't even say I was looking for dates before. Nothing else changed expect I uploaded some pics of my cat. IF the unspoken vibe I'm transmitting is that I'm attached, I guess that's what's so attractive! So weird! Do women now find me non-threatening, or do they actually want to try and see how committed I am?
willowfox - 2006-02-24 18:15:42
"as our legs touch or arms rub in an uncomfortable dance of mutual horror"... priceless. You've really captured what it's like to ride on the T, Gump. Excellent.
awittykitty - 2006-02-24 18:42:40
I had a guy propose marriage to me on public transportation once when I was young and cute. But he was a wino-homeless type. So cute girls even appeal to winos. Just thought I'd add that part.
hcatty - 2006-02-24 19:04:22
I'm too busy laughing at you right now to come up with an intellectual response on the psychological effect this has on women, slim or fat....
jes - 2006-02-24 19:40:48
Oh jeeze gump, I'm straight, I would have done the same thing. Dont' even worry about it.
Kelly - 2006-02-24 22:00:11
It's nice that you can admit to being a pig but just because youre self aware enough to know that doesn't mean that you don't deserve punched repeatedly for it! Truthfully, I'm just all for any excuse to punch you repeatedly.
sexyatheist - 2006-02-25 02:16:39
i think being bi helps my boyfriend in situations like this. typically we are both checking out the same chick so i'm too busy staring at her boobs to notice he's doing it too. not to mention, he's super slick about it. personally, i don't think you were too much of a dog. and i second jes' comment. except about the straight part.
Phil - 2006-02-25 03:19:13
As part of losing a bet (mind you - girls won the bet and set the punishment) a group of us went to a cricket match with a banner saying "No Fat Chicks Allowed". Suprisingly bbw can also throw beer cans, meat pies, cups of smelly fluid (maybe urine maybe not)and assorted rubbish very accurately.
sarika - 2006-02-25 11:01:39
It may be unfair, this is true. In southern europe I stand out enough as it is, and there's no problem with openly staring. Which feels kind of weird. As does walking down the street in the middle of the afternoon and having 3 men tell you you're beautiful in a row. That level of attention swings between annoying and frightening... so I guess it all works out in the end... x
candoor - 2006-02-25 18:50:08
you make all pigs proud...
marysensei - 2006-02-27 02:09:06
Speaking as one of the pretty girls who gets things done for her, I applaud you. Yet, it does suck for the girlfriends involved. I know I've always hated it when I see my men checking out or helping cute girls. But, alas, that is the law of nature.
zying - 2006-02-27 08:36:55
lol, *nods head in agreement*
mrgrainger - 2006-02-27 18:03:50
A excellent entry, rather true. I dont know which is worse though, getting caught or feeling guilty.
cloudy - 2006-02-28 12:52:44
Rae - 2006-02-28 16:31:44
hahaha. awesome entry. i thought it'd get my feminist hackles up, but it's just too funny. so you get a gold star for the day and a place on my fave list. [an honor, i know. ;)]

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