
betty - 2006-02-08 09:14:56
mmm. I love me some "yellow 5" in the morning. that and a bong!
jackie - 2006-02-08 09:51:54
This reminds me of when I was big and fat. My ex, who I discovered was a crackhead, used to give me shit for eating so much and not caring about "what I put into my body". I'd be like, who the fuck are you to tell me what to put into my body? You fucking crackhead. Damn I'm glad he's gone.

Your fucking song is on FNX right now. Now I notice them playing it all the time and you're stuck with it. I don't even think of it as Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, it's just "Gump's Tune". Thanks a lot.
Kelly - 2006-02-08 10:14:55
I don't mind the yellow 5 in moutain dew. I do mind that it tastes pretty much worse than anything I've ever tasted. Except for creamed corn and green beans. But it's close.
marysensei - 2006-02-08 10:47:45
That's like people who bitch at me about eating the instant ramen bowls "with all of their chemicals," but who smoke like chimneys or consume way too much cholesterol. Just tell 'em to fuck off!
Matty - 2006-02-08 11:49:33
I was looking up Mountain Dew once to see if it was true that Canadian MD had no caffeine in it, while American MD had some of the highest levels of caffeine in any commercially available soft drink. It was true until about two years ago, which probably explains why no one used to drink it. Still tastes like carbonated floor cleaner, though. Another interesting little tidbit I picked up in my Googlings was that the original Mountain Dew logo had a hillbilly on it, complete with shotgun. Yee-haw! EXTREEEEEME!
awittykitty - 2006-02-08 11:57:31
Hey! You makin' fun of Californians, dude? The only thing I'd talk about is how bad the traffic was when I lived there. As far as chemical intake, I figure they're probably preserving me so I'll continue to look as awesome as I do, so bring'em on. p.s. In high school nearly every kid had pot growing in their back yard, so I never paid for a joint once. Ah, the good old days.
rok - 2006-02-08 12:02:54
PFFFFT. You do realize we kicked that hippie out of our state because he was a no lovin' yellow number 5 asshole, right? And screw you man, I don't wanna talk about any of that CA shite - I want to talk about monkeys, is it beer o'clock yet, and can I have a cookie! Generalizing motherfucker! ;)
Andria - 2006-02-08 12:09:07
People in California talk about the weather all the time to rub it in. Because while your balls are probably frozen right now, it's mid 70's and sunny here. And will be tomorrow. And the next day.
Anneliese - 2006-02-08 12:37:02
Weather? Yeah, I just looked at the forecast for at UCLA here, and today high of 89, tomorrow 81, and the day after that? 77. I'm with rok. Is it beer o'clock, and where's a cookie to go with my joint?
jess - 2006-02-08 13:17:18
I am a Californian, and the first three things I would bring up would be Morrissey, food, and sex. I was shocked when I saw the three things the Californians you have met brought up! Give us a chance!!! We are all not that ridiculous. xoxo - me
infamy - 2006-02-08 13:34:16
You don't give your movers beer? Beer is mover hard currency. So is pizza. I'm a Canadian who talks about pot a bit too much, but that's just because I've taken it off of my list of habits and I miss it so very much. Anyway - the correct response when someone offers you a drink that you don't want is "No, thank you".
zying - 2006-02-08 16:27:59
lmao. so much for being health-conscious eh?
DanjerusKurves - 2006-02-08 21:18:14
Yellow No. 5 is a very common allergen. For people like me who are allergic to it, it can literally kill us. I did not know this until I went into anaphylactic shock three times last year. So there.
Phil - 2006-02-08 21:24:48
Yellow 5? That's what I pee after drinking Mountain Dew. Can't stand the stuff, bar tenders keep wanting to mix it with my gin.
alice - 2006-02-08 21:33:20
The pop machine at my work just randomly dropped all of the Mountain Dew today. 12 cans jammed up in the catch part. I hate when people pull that shit. Especially when Im drinking/eating something they think is horrid. Theres a guy at my work who tried telling me that theres actually a bunch of chemicals that have names like "natural" and "flavour" and they totally irritate his IBS as well as cause cancer. He smokes too.
willowfox - 2006-02-08 23:23:20
I'm originally from California and we've never had one of those conversations (to the degree that we have "conversations") which makes me happy because it's just one more clincher that I'm officially a New Englander now. Ayuh!
Equinequeen - 2006-02-09 00:45:58
Well, I live in CA, and I hardly ever talk about the weather, health, or pot. I'm not that healthy, I hate the sun, and I'm really, really sheltered. But hey, if you wanted to talk about pot, let's go. If you wanna talk about the weather, not gonna fly, and I think I disagree with everyone about what health is... so I'll shut up now. Don't kill me!

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