
jess - 2005-12-23 16:22:49
LOL what the hell did I just read and why? LOL xoxo - me
Kelly - 2005-12-23 19:44:28
That is so funny. I kept reading it thinking that you put warhol instead of Kaufman. That really sounds so Andy Kaufmanesque.
awittykitty - 2005-12-23 20:02:58
That would be a Christmas miracle...Tony Danza actually being able to sing and dance. Have you seen his variety show? Laughable. Its like watching Tony Soprano trying to tap dance.
Belle - 2005-12-23 21:26:24
Like Jess... What just happened? P.S. I grew up a Met fan, my dear. Designated hitters can go to hell. They can go to hell and die.
hissandtell - 2005-12-24 00:14:04
Fabulous cautionary tale, darling. Or something. I adore Warhol stories - I mean, who doesn't love the deeply superficial? - and collect them with a passion. Sadly, I barely know who Tony Danza is (other than the mondegreenish inspiration for that Elton John song), so is it okay if I visualise, say, Robert Reed and Tiger instead? Or Tom Bosley and those actors who played Chuck, since we never saw them/him again after season one, either? Love, R xxx
candoor - 2005-12-24 05:03:38
now I get it, you are Andy Warhol, you've been Andy Warhol all along... or is that Andy Kaufman?... I'll have to be sure before I start spreading rumours all around the internet and in the tabliods...

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