
Gumphood - 2005-12-15 09:02:58
Also, I think we'd have a third ball. The "milk ball". It would be mythical...
Andy - 2005-12-15 09:04:32
Have you changed your medication?
infamy - 2005-12-15 09:06:30
Would you have a third ball, or would one of the existing two just be repurposed? By the way, this comment should in no way be considered evidence that I am no longer speechless regarding your post.
Erika - 2005-12-15 09:06:47
I think about things like that too, well, not exactly, my thoughts lean more towards, what if blue was red, etc. Or what if I see blue this way, but other people see it like this. I;m so blue.
Gumphood - 2005-12-15 09:07:17
All sorts of new stand up routeens. "No No honey. Lets not put him on the bottle...its natural!"
Procrasto - 2005-12-15 09:07:57
We'd need two 'eyes'. A 'spunky-pee' eye and a 'milk' eye. Would the shape of the penis change? Because, I don't think the little ones would manage deep throat. It would need a suckly bit. I disgust myself.
infamy - 2005-12-15 09:12:11
Ok - 6 comments in and we've arrived at dick nipples. Heh! Interesting porn name: Dick Nipples
Jackie - 2005-12-15 09:22:32
What would the pump look like, a penis enlarger? As someone who breastfed, I had thrush once and the pain was equivalent to childbirth. Imagine that pain in the penis. You guys couldn't handle it, and that would be the end of the human race. Hey, I'm just sayin'.
Gumphood - 2005-12-15 09:26:56
For the record, I don't think this would be a wise move for the human race.
Blaze - 2005-12-15 09:37:44
It certainly wouldn't be a WISE move for the human race, but it would be an entertaining one...
Andy - 2005-12-15 09:40:18
Swedish Penis Enlarger? That's not my bag baby. I'm not into the sort of thing....
awittykitty - 2005-12-15 09:48:01
Damn, Procrasto got to my thought first. How would a baby nurse on a penis, when its a gazillion times the size of a nipple? Well, maybe not in all cases....present company excepted, of course. wink, wink. :-)
Gumphood - 2005-12-15 10:07:37
I have 6 inch nipples...
jess - 2005-12-15 11:56:24
We should just be like penguins, where the male raises the baby for several months of its life, giving it a vomitus goo to eat that it secretes from its mouth. YUM. xoxo - me
Kelly - 2005-12-15 12:43:03
It's a scary thing that I'm not even surprised by you anymore. I would like to clarify some things... 1.) people from pittsburgH (quit forgetting the H) do not hate the patriots. 2.) Its CowHer now Cower. Do you have an adversion to H's? Pittsburghers love them. especially silent ones. 3.) No one and I mean no one here wants to suckle on his chin. And now I am off to lunch with my boyfriend. When he asks why I'm not hungry anymore, I'm blaming it on this entry!
Summer Gale - 2005-12-15 14:18:38
If men can't be the ones to get stretch marks and carry the baby I want to lay eggs. Maybe bury them in warm sand until they hatch or something.
Belle - 2005-12-15 15:12:15
Seahorse males do the "birthing." Females lay the eggs in their pouches and the babies swim out after they hatch. Or something. My own theory is that if men bore children, there would be no words in our lexicon to denote brothers, sisters, or siblings. Every one of us would be an only child. Heh.
golfwidow - 2005-12-15 15:57:15
Um, I don't have kids, but I know women who do, and they all say that breastfeeding takes on a whole new level of "OW! DAMMIT!" when the baby starts teething. Suck on that.
Gumphood - 2005-12-15 16:34:48
Maybe some guys would like that
hcatty - 2005-12-15 16:54:31
...which is frightening, in and of itself.
Phil - 2005-12-15 17:37:40
But then we'd need a maternity jock and have stains on the front of our pants from milk leakage. Another thought - have you seen a baby when they want to feed and the milk isn't flowing fast enough? They punch the breast. Are you ready to cop a fist in the goolies from your offspring?
BookBear - 2005-12-15 19:55:20
Just to take this one step further... or one step backwards... theres two options. you could combine the milk and pro-creation peice into one... or switch them. Imagine having sex with a nipple. The other thing, is we might just cease to exist. With men doing the milk duty, women would have no use for breasts and lose that certain quality men like... breasts. Though... if no one had any, it might not be a problem. People from pittsburgh have their own language. It's scary.
alice - 2005-12-15 19:58:16
AH but what if that was how babies always fed and then suddenly women realised that their boobs could do it to...then what? What if buildings were made of cheese and sidewalks were made of jello, would we still eat them? And how would the guys control the 3 different functions? and make sure that the different fluids didnt intermingle?
dingus - 2005-12-15 21:10:01
this entry was like a 3
Katie - 2005-12-16 09:23:16
Yea, so, ignoring the fact that I don't even know what to say about that entry...just wow. Let's just say guys aren't very clean so do we really want our babies sucking on that? Half the women in the world don't even want to suck on that. And if milk came out of there would sperm come out of our boobs? The amount of questions raised from this entry is astounding.
Summer Gale - 2005-12-16 12:50:35
HAHA! The Moose is an organization like the Elks or Lion's Club. It has a bar and you can order drinks, play pool and throw darts.
Allie - 2005-12-16 14:53:42
Well, another interesting entry. I must say that. A bit odd, but interesting nonetheless.
Matty - 2005-12-16 17:29:59
"A bit odd, but interesting nonetheless.

Gump, how did you fit in that weensy little nutshell?
candoor - 2005-12-16 20:00:49
man, I always come late to these parties... but then, I suppose that's better than arriving prematurely...
honey bunny - 2005-12-17 08:30:45
i was born and raised in NY but i'm a red sox fan. i've never, ever rooted for the spankees.
f-i-n - 2005-12-17 16:18:55
...a bit random...but i liked it.
onewetleg - 2005-12-19 01:27:37
eww. just eww. eww.
Datchery - 2005-12-20 03:02:54
There's no way to prove that what you think the color we both call blue 'looks' the same to both of us. Hypothetically it could look entirely different to each person. Other conundrums: Proving a negative.

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