
Gumphood - 2005-12-06 15:48:37
My football team stinks, my baseball team is falling apart, my basketball team blows, and my hockey team is still (i wish) on strike. Lost is off for six weeks... This is what I have people. This is what I have.
Haiti Face - 2005-12-06 15:55:00
Seriously. How "not final" is that product.
Procrasto - 2005-12-06 15:57:27
Your "24" took the plac eof my Prison Break. Which I have to wait until MARCH to see! Damn you Jack Bauer. Damn you to hell.
Gumphood - 2005-12-06 16:01:14
24 is better. I'm not trashing Prison Break, but 24 is better.
infamy - 2005-12-06 16:04:21
I've never watched 24, maybe I should rent Season One. I like Kiefer - he sounds like his dad. Who I once stood in line behind at Cruikshanks on Mount Pleasant before that nasty Chapters-Indigo woman bought it and closed it. What? Oh yeah, 24. I should rent Season One.
Judith - 2005-12-06 17:52:23
When I saw the ad last week on FOX for the new season of "24", I got very excited. It's Keifer!!!!!
Matty - 2005-12-06 18:08:23
Oh, dude. Another season? You mean I'm going to have to take more time off work now?

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