
Andria - 2005-11-09 11:43:54
Hahahaha... your book idea is funny (and totally tasteless - which I love). I think men (well, people in general) are at their worst when they are lying to other people about who they are to get what they want.
moonfaeryy - 2005-11-09 11:46:41
Sounds like a great book idea. I'd buy a copy. When are men at their worst? My experience has been when they are drunk. They just get stupid, belligerent, obnoxious, and cocky.
Gumphood - 2005-11-09 11:46:47
Men do lie alot...for no.good.reason
Jackie - 2005-11-09 11:49:08
You kill me! I have no answer for your question, really, except I hate the men that have to be all testosteroney and fight and shit. When it's totally unnecessary. =)
Matty - 2005-11-09 11:58:09
Worse than drunk: cocaine.

Some men are actually nicer when they're drunk. But no one is nice at all when they're coked up.
Gumphood - 2005-11-09 11:59:02
Are girls nicer when they are coked up?... cause if then its not a gender thing.
chillier - 2005-11-09 11:59:44
Men are at their worst when they're totally insecure bags of crap. Like all "ehhh errrr uhhhhh, I'm nervous". I can't stand that. I just want to burn them with the poker that you spoke of in your entry. I don't like the opposite extreme either (the beating and screaming) but I don't know many men that go off like that. Plus sometimes the angry extreme is really funny. Insecurity is never funny, it's just pathetic.
infamy - 2005-11-09 12:01:44
Everyone is at the worst at either end of the spectrum. An overly aggressive man and a weak man both suffer from the same weaknesses and insecurities, they just over-react in different ways. True Alpha Males are neither agressive nor submissive. They're assertive, they're confident, they don't take any shit, but they don't dish it out where it doesn't belong. Infamy likes! (Infamy got all distracted there for a minute) Same applies to women - I'm sure you can imagine the contempt I feel for your subway blubberer, but a woman that's all hard edges and no softness or vulnerability is not an appealing idea, either.
Gumphood - 2005-11-09 12:05:03
Nobody likes a Dragon lady.
betty - 2005-11-09 12:05:09
I would buy mass copies of your book and pass them out to everyone I know.
infamy - 2005-11-09 12:07:48
"Nobody likes a Dragon lady." --- Tell me about it!
Gumphood - 2005-11-09 12:12:01
Its AS hard for a women to be the Dragon Lady as a man to be taken seriously as "the serious guy." The flak I get for this website. Oh man...!
infamy - 2005-11-09 12:14:20
Um. I don't understand your last comment, I don't think. I know your opinions on silly things like "grammar", but come on! There's something vital to understanding missing from that sentence.
jess - 2005-11-09 12:21:36
i am so happy that i came across this diary. i love wanton tastelessness and vile, rude senses of humor. people are so uptight these days. it is refreshing to come across a diary like this. i love it. xoxo - me
Gumphood - 2005-11-09 12:22:11
Fair Enough. My point is as follows. It is as hard for a woman to be liked taking on masculaine qualities (ie becoming the Dragon Lady) as it is for a man to take on feminine qualities (ie becoming the "Sensitive guy"). Then I went to say how I myself talk about feelings and such and so male friends often have a hard time taking this site seriously. Of course, with the humor I mostly throw in it, there is also myself to blame for not being taken seriously.
Blaze - 2005-11-09 12:31:47
HAHAHAHA Um, men are always bad, all the time. There is no good. Just varying degrees of awful. Have a nice day!
infamy - 2005-11-09 12:39:15
Your point is correct. Extremes = bad. I was making fun of myself, implying that I know all to well from personal experience how unlike a dragon-lady is!
nicim - 2005-11-09 12:46:24
Men are definitely at their worst when they lie. Lie to cover up how they feel, or don't feel, lie to get what they want (or don't want), lie to make themselves look bigger, smarter, richer, more together. Lie about commitment, and love. Notice most polititians, stock brokers, and used car salesmen are men. DUH! XXOO N
Pfirsich - 2005-11-09 12:51:25
"I haven�t thought about it enough but I imagine that it probably is like when men are extremely violent and self destructive. I�m talking about the angry drunk, the drag racing, the riding around town looking for someone to beat up, the torture of innocent animals -- the dark side of testosterone induced pumping masculinity." No,I think none of these things are repugnant.I love those things. Except with the self-destructive.That�s not male anyway,it�s typical for guys to destruct OTHER things,to lead their anger to the outside.Girls tend to be selfdestructive,aiming anger at themselves.---I love all those things.They look exciting to me.Those behaviours look generally attractive to me.I really LOVE male.I don�t like female,like,I can�t think of anything typically male that I don�t think is attractive.What is repugnant for me if they don�t behave like cave-men,if they are too honed and too civilized or if they start to gather the same neurosis us females have.I like everything about men.I can�t think of one bad trait.Sure,there are cowards for example,but,that is not TYPICALLY male.---I don�t like males who don�t like male! I personally don�t like guys who don�t want to get drunk and don�t act out.And always bite their tongue.I just see it in life like this:us women are supposed to serve the man.We are supposed to support him,his natural sides and make him stronger.So,I would just allow everything to him,except if it was like dangerous.I�m just feeling like the man is making the laws,the rules,I mean.So,if he isn�t biting his tongue,I feel free to do it,too.If he feels it�s ok to party and stuff,to misbehave,then I have that freedom,too.
Matty - 2005-11-09 12:58:34
Hmmm...I thought "pfirsich" meant "peach", but apparently it means "troll".

Anyway, Gump, in answer to your question; in my experience no one is nice when they're coked up. But in terms of it being a gender thing, men are much worse. They're aggressive and argumentative. Cocaine is like a magnifying glass for assholitude. It also magnifies the bitchiness and backstabbiness of women. So if "I think it sucks when men are drunk" is an acceptable answer, then cocaine is too. It just makes horrible stereotypical male qualities a lot worse.
Gumphood - 2005-11-09 13:05:05
I love what pfirsich brings to the table. She's got to be one of my top commenters historically. I mean...If you read this. Never stop commenting. It adds.
Pfirsich - 2005-11-09 13:07:59
OK,I read through the whole entry now.I�m not all getting it,ok,I�m not really getting it.Do you think that because I have bad things in my life,stuff I must overcome that because of it I want to give you a bad name? I know,that thought is random,I just have caught it in my gut.You are allowed to come on to me. What was the entry about? Is it about you thinking you are a bad guy and therefor you think you can�t come closer to me or something? Damn,I didn�t get anything again.Or is it just a reflection? *I* want to come on to you.That�s right.It�s good you�re here,I have called you.I want you to be here and close with me.Fuck,what was the question!!!!!
Gumphood - 2005-11-09 13:15:24
You want to come onto me? Incidentially, I don't want to give you a bad name! I think the point of the entry was that sometimes women being to women can seem alien to men and thus we don't find them appealing. And then I wondered if the same were true with an ultra-violent "clockwork orange" type male, but you seem to disagree and embrace the violence in men.
infamy - 2005-11-09 13:29:23
I got so caught up in Alpha males (as is my habit) that I forgot what I wanted to say in the first place: Every "Chicken Soup" book, and all books of their ilk, should be burned on an immense pyre. I'm not normally one for book burning, but in this case...
dynamita - 2005-11-09 13:34:30
I clicked on all your ads, and searched on your google toolbar. I did this because I`m jobless, and broke, and figured if I had ads, It would be really helpful if many people clicked on them. Get something nice for yourself.
Katie - 2005-11-09 14:01:26
yeah...first of all...hilarious...your book idea...pure genius...second of all guys are at their worst most of the time just because they are guys. I'm not saying I don't like guys because I do...a lot...but lets face...all men are assholes most of the time...they can be good when they want to though. I guess you could say they are at their worst when they are testosterone driven (unless they are protecting you) but guys just have varying degrees of bad with a good thrown in everyonce and a while for effect.
Men at Worst - 2005-11-09 14:20:49
They are at their worst when watching their sports team lose
jes - 2005-11-09 14:48:35
men at their worst? When they are pissy and distant. Much like women, only with women, it's called being a bitch.
jes - 2005-11-09 15:18:36
gump, your comment on efficency and sexiness made me laugh.
uNCLEPUMPKIn - 2005-11-09 15:58:07
Men are at their worst at hockey games. Or the Hong Kong.
awittykitty - 2005-11-09 18:12:05
men are at their worst when they're being all sweet and nice to you when they're really just planning a sneak attack to satisfy their own needs. I hate dishonesty.
Phil - 2005-11-09 21:16:59
I'm talking stereotpes here but men are at their worst when they think they know the answer. Women are at their worst when they expect a man to know the answer.
frigid - 2005-11-09 23:08:31
men are at their worst when you don't have the energy for their bullshit and they're still convinced you think they're the greatest thing in the universe, then they slowly start to realize maybe this isn't the case and become whiny and weak, like a girl. as a side note: you're so neat and funny. *thumbs up*
Meany - 2005-11-10 02:59:28
Men are at their worst when they act in a way that is obviously completely contradictory to ther actual personality, and everyone knows it.
Tarnia - 2005-11-10 08:31:44
Hmm I thought I might atcually comment for one. Women are at their worst when they allow themselves to be complete doormats and then complain about it, I really can't stand that kind of weakness. Men are at their worst when they lead you on. Personally if a guy said: "All I want is sex from you. Maybe a one night stand or a casual sexual relationship" from the beginning, I would probably be happy with that. Rather than lies and empty sentiments etc
Kelly - 2005-11-10 09:44:29
I think she wants you to buy her a happy meal.
infamy - 2005-11-10 09:52:57
The last time I gave blood, there was a guy there who had passed out during his donation. The nurse was fanning him, and his girlfriend was with him - all cooing and comforting over him. And I remember thinking: "Dude, I don't care how much she likes sensitive guys, you are never going to get to have sex with her again."
DanjerusKurves - 2005-11-10 13:19:17
Men are at their worst when they are still breathing.
Matty - 2005-11-10 14:30:29
Now, now, Kurvykins; we might start suspecting you of homicidal tendencies...or necrophilia.
Procrasto - 2005-11-10 16:35:29
What does 10 and 1/2 inch mean, you cryptic man?!
DanjerusKurves - 2005-11-10 17:04:18
Forgive my momentary slip there, folks. I'm just sick to death of getting conned into relationships with charming psychos. I love men ... really, I do. Just not the ones I date.
stomper4x4 - 2005-11-11 00:53:31
Hmmmm men are at their worst when they're trying to be impressive. Worse than that is when they really aren't.
alice - 2005-11-11 22:45:38
Can I do the cd version of your book? Like Ill get all drunk and read it and stuff? You know so you can listen in the car. Men are at their worst...when they are drunk and think they are hot shit and own the place.
Amber - 2005-11-12 03:05:27
Gump, I just have to say... The last few entries have really portrayed you as an insensitive asshole. When you were writing about dating/relationships/etc. - your three part series - I was all "right on! finally a sensitive guy that GETS IT." Now you're all bashing on blind people and giving out terrible advice. WTF is funny about a mother who has lost a child? My brother, my MOM'S SON who was 18 years old, was just killed in March and I can tell you from experience... there isn't anything fucking funny about it. I am assuming that you were going for "sarcastic comedy" or whatever... but really, maybe you should have picked some better subjects to write about.
Beulah - 2005-11-12 10:39:06
I think you should seriously pursue the "Clam Chowda" series. Write up a one-page proposal and send it around. A friend of mine wrote a book that parodied similar "deep thoughts" with a "daily affirmation" and got it published. You'll make $20 - $30 a month that way!
Datchery - 2005-11-14 12:53:46
Amber, you just don't get it do you? Nothing is inherantly funny about getting an abortion, or having your dog die, or having your mother or son die, what the fuck is wrong with you to think they were supposed to be funny? It's only funny because it is completely tragic. Remember: Tradgedy is when I cut my finger, Comedy is when you fall down an open manhole and die.

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