
Meany - 2005-11-04 11:37:43
Dearest Gumpy-poo, I [heart] you, but I hate your football picks entries. Love, a non-offended, non-blind person.
chillier - 2005-11-04 11:39:11
Gak. I respect your logic but it hurts so very bad.
Ginger - 2005-11-04 11:41:39
I think that the Pats will win!
rile - 2005-11-04 11:58:34
Gumpy - sell to your readers
Andy - 2005-11-04 12:31:57
You sir are no Pats fan.

But the retort about the blind made me giggle like a blind school girl in a pickle shop...or something phalic. I don't know...

The other fun thing with blind peopel is you can make funny faces at them when you are talking too them.
jes - 2005-11-04 12:45:59
gump: joke: What do you do when you are standing on the corner and your toe falls off? Call a TOW truck! Awesome. I'm awesome.
Jackie - 2005-11-04 12:47:44
"And if you think I am being a little harsh here and they might get offended, let me point out they can�t read this!". Man, you kill me. Have a lovely weekend. DRINK BEER!
awittykitty - 2005-11-04 13:03:20
Oh Gump, I'm sure you have now offended all the blind people who read you. Oh wait, THEY CAN'T. Ha, ha, ha, ha. Yeah, I know, see you in hell, sweetie.
Katie - 2005-11-04 13:12:40 are awesome...damn that's three ::walks away shamed::
Katie - 2005-11-04 13:16:20
I have just two are awesome...damn that's three.
Again - 2005-11-04 13:18:20
Gumphood - 2005-11-04 13:23:25
Dear Katie.

A mistake joke...posted two diffrent ways?

willowfox - 2005-11-04 13:49:52
Big, loud, explosive laughter at "they can't read this!" My dog jumped about a foot. IN A WEIRD TWIST, my dog is blind. We switch the furniture around on her all the time. She gets over it. We get to take her in weird places like hospitals. We tell them we're her seeing eye people and move past them before they have time to figure out what bullshit we're feeding them. Thanks for the props on the big one-oh-oh. It's all for you, Gumptitude. It's all for you.
Andria - 2005-11-04 14:16:52
Gump, if you want me to keep reading these crapper football entries, I am going to need some eye candy in the form of Tom Brady.

Excellent rant on the blind, those sightless fuckers. Next time you should go after the deaf - I mean, come on - they just use that "sign language" so they can flip people off all the time and they won't notice.
Jennifer - 2005-11-04 16:34:05
1. kids are messy. but totally worth it. And 2. in a perfect world, theo wouldn't need a new job. in an almost perfect world, he'd take the rox job offer. next summer, we're going to a game, no fail!
Acorn - 2005-11-04 16:51:33
Oh, dude, you're too funny.
lizz - 2005-11-04 21:06:13
i just wrote an entry responding to your colts/pats pick. it was much easier that way.
Kelly - 2005-11-05 10:33:40
Hey. I'm the one who got felt up accidentally/on purpose by a blind guy. If anyone should be hating, its me. Oh and the Steelers are DOOMED.
candoor - 2005-11-05 21:41:51
sadder still, perhaps, is that there are people who have nothing better to do than read your post to blind people and incite a blind people's right, maybe even start a society to protect the feelings of blind people or something... those are the people, the ones who look for offense anywhere they might find it and pounce on it like a dog starving for a bone, who offend me the most... but then, I ignore them well so mostly I laugh at their vain attempts to control the world through acting offended and fear-mongering and creating conflicts where there needn't be any... meanwhile, my football teams are drowning in injuries and sucky seasons and I just remembered I have a few basketball leagues and basketball season just started... why do I do this, that is, play games I don't have time for... cuz I love the drafts... so I think I'm going to develop a serious gambling habit and use your picks to retire...
razor-vixen - 2005-11-06 13:35:23
I served a blind lady at the restaurant last night. She was very nice and I helped her with some things (like pouring her tea). She made a big mess, though. I also ONLY felt sorry for her because it looked like she had had a blind friend cut her hair. Truly a bad haircut.
sharon - 2005-11-07 00:35:40
do you put football picks because of fantasy football or betting or both? i'm just curious [go chargers! and pats!]
Anisettekiss - 2005-11-07 03:05:27
a HA! You're the jinx.
chillier - 2005-11-08 08:07:50

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