
GoingLoopy - 2005-10-14 09:14:45
I see your update and I think, great. I wanted to wear my coffee after it shot out my nose, right? But's more of your wacky sports talk. Sigh. I guess I'll have to wait till this afternoon for your usual Gumpness.
Google Man - 2005-10-14 09:39:33
awittykitty - 2005-10-14 10:13:17
hey, hey, hey, watch what you say about 41 year old with canes. Women in their 40s are at their sexual peak. Ok, maybe not someone named Vinny, but nevertheless!!
uNCLEPUMPKIn - 2005-10-14 11:15:18
They still don't know for sure if Roethllisberger is playing? Man, what a pussy.
moonfaeryy - 2005-10-14 12:10:33
I wouldn't bet on Joey H@rrington in an easy game, Gump!
jes - 2005-10-14 12:29:50
Gump, when will you learn. Football is BORING! (Or, its a multi billion dollar industry, I can't remember which)
Matty - 2005-10-14 12:43:40
You are getting your Gump Gland mixed up with your Sports Gland again. Squeeze the other one, Gump. It must be chock full o' oozin' Gumpy goodness by now.
Lauren - 2005-10-14 13:19:14
Oh gumpy. Jake "the snake" Plummer? Oh my god I'll never forget and I'll soon be sharing it with everyone here (hey, 60 miles from Denver and still in Colorado counts, Bronco girl 4 lyph). It'll be the newest catch phrase ever. Also, thank god he got rid of that handlebar mustache. Didn't look good in 1984, doesn't look good now. <3
A - 2005-10-14 13:45:43
Infamy - 2005-10-14 14:04:36
"Yes this is another better entry" --- Better than what? (heh. I'm funny.)
alice - 2005-10-14 14:10:52
You cant play if you dont win the game. Football is intensely boring.
jennifer - 2005-10-14 15:01:19
So I'm an only child of sorts, too (I grew up as an only child--didn't discover I had a half-brother until I was 21). I've got nothing against only children, except the lack of family close in age. I managed to squeak around that by having 8 first cousins in close geographical proximity--the oldest is 4 years above me, the youngest three years below me. Three of them are the same age as I am. THis was cool. But Will...Will won't have that, and thus I worry about his being an only one. I'm sure the answer will come to me some day.
Meany - 2005-10-14 15:36:24
Fuck you and your fucking sprts bets. Talk about Sports DRINKING. That, I can relate to. Wooo!

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