
Meany - 2005-10-12 16:48:50
I can't see your pictures on my stupid govt. computer, but I will be happy to wheelchair joust with you on behalf of all those offended by your insensitive comment (har!). Also, this comment is meant to hold a place for the comment I will be making when I see the pictures. Word.
GoingLoopy - 2005-10-12 17:14:01
In the spirit of your entry, I offer the following:

Q. What's better than winning a gold medal in the Special Olympics?
A. Not being retarded.
cloudy - 2005-10-12 17:27:05
Well, at least K died with a smile on.
jennifer - 2005-10-12 17:35:49 footage...fake with 7 other all the time...Somehow, you're living in my life 10 years ago. Hope you're having as much fun as I did!
Sarah - 2005-10-12 17:35:53
You're right. Baseball is over. How sad. But still, goooooo White Sox (just for good measure). ;)
alice - 2005-10-12 17:39:28
I prefer wheelchair wrestling.
Andria - 2005-10-12 17:49:51
Hmmm... "our love", "my sweet prince", "sausage"... Kerbang was bent over that camaro, but not because he was hit by it. ;)
Matty - 2005-10-12 18:17:00
So you only care if the Bosox or the Yankees win. The Bosox so you can be gleeful, the Yankees so you can loathe the Yankees more, and either way you get to get drunk.

Maybe I like baseball after all. Go, um...squadron!
Jackie - 2005-10-12 20:38:55
I see the empty beers and pizzas, but where's the filth? You must have female roommates. =)
willowfox - 2005-10-13 01:05:32
Hmmm, let's see. 1. Good GOD, man! For a second I really thought some friend of yours had died and I felt really bad. But then I saw the picture and giggled. 2. Immediately after Boston lost I went to the market and they were playing, I swear, "Put me in coach, I'm ready to play. Today." It was bordering on cruel, in my opinion. But when I told the story to my friend she thought I meant that there was some guy there, just standing in the front of the store singing. And that would have been funny. 3. You mention you went somewhere with Uncle Pumpkin. Which is weird. I don't know Uncle Pumpkin from a hole in the ground, but my friend was telling me months ago that when he lived in Boston he was friends with this Uncle Pumpkin character and I should go read his diary. Krazy. So that's like 3 degrees, and I'm already 3 degrees from Kevin Bacon, so dude, you made it. Congratulations.
Katie - 2005-10-13 09:23:22
Dude, I so challenge you to a wheelchair joust...not because I was offended of course...just because that would definitely be kick ass. I don't know that you could kick ass from a wheelchair though...hmmmmmm...I'll have to ask my brother about that one. Glad you had fun on your trip...later!
BigPimpinMBA - 2005-10-13 10:21:29
Rest in Pee. Classic.
andra - 2005-10-13 12:08:06
haha well at least you had fun. since I live in ohio I've learned two things, we never win anything, and we always give up at the last possible's why ohio state loses a whole lot, and the indians always lose, and so do the browns...:(

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