
Gumphood - 2005-09-02 16:05:19
Have a great weekend everyone!
Jimmy - 2005-09-02 16:10:56
Everyone in New Orleans is having a great time you asshole. One hell of a weekend for them, you christmas shoping idiot.
Old Man - 2005-09-02 16:21:41
This is the last time I'm reading this site, you whipersnapper!
rachel - 2005-09-02 16:31:37
this made me smile :) i needed to smile today... thank you
Anneliese - 2005-09-02 16:40:10
Well, I can think of one guy who reads catalogs... You!!!
Smed - 2005-09-02 16:44:24
Oh, my God. I'd never give my Kristin those....bottles...or whatever you call 'em. Liz would probably laugh at them, but I'd recoil in fear! Actually, the senior game should have an essay part : "Franklin Pierce or James Buchanan. Who was hotter??"
Meany - 2005-09-02 16:44:36
I was going to say something stupid about your old peoples' game (HAHAAA!) but then my brain started having seizures over the fact that it looked like the baby was making out with the stuffed sex toys.
hissandtell - 2005-09-02 17:22:35
Thanks for the link, darling. I have tried all sorts of banners, you know - not just ones with cleavages and bottoms. It's just that the T&A ones ALWAYS get a click-through of between 7 and 10%, whereas the other non-T&A ones only hover around 4%. Honestly, who knew that sex sells? I must let those marketing types out there know what I've discovered! Much love, R xxx
Jackie - 2005-09-02 17:57:44
One of the boys showed me something on the internets one day, Barney started singing his obnoxious song, then all of a sudden a machine gun blast and Elmo saying, "SHUT THE FUCK UP!". How can you hate Elmo after soemthing like that?

Well I was going to mention that YOU are a guy who reads catalogs, but Anneliese beat me to it. She and I are twins separated at birth. Just so you know. Are we going to get a review of the LTD catalog too? Have a lovely weekend. =)
GoingLoopy - 2005-09-02 18:44:31
My father. That is who buys the lab pillows and blankets. And "Senior Moments" is the kind of game you would get 7 of at your 60th birthday party, each giver thinking it was the most original and cute thing they had ever seen.
awittykitty - 2005-09-02 21:14:52
I see the Licensed Girl's Dorm Shirts, but hey, I'm kind of wild and crazy... Where's the UN-licensed Girl's Dorm Shirts? I bet they're hot!
betty - 2005-09-02 22:58:41
ha ha analise has those p.j.s
Lisa - 2005-09-02 23:04:24
Cool entry, except for the part about the big red dice. I'm actually thinking about buying two of those for my living room. Yeah, I know, I'm fancy like that :P
Belle - 2005-09-03 01:06:16
I can't believe it even occurred to you that the Santa sucky-wucky thing looked like a sex toy. Sicko.
wenchie - 2005-09-03 02:15:27
Oh dang, did you go to that JImmy guy's site? For shame!! Betcha clicked a banner! Me toooo! That's how I got here, via the monkey banner, and this is the funniest thing I have read for days. Loved it. Very funny. Did i mention, funny? yeah.
swooish - 2005-09-03 04:25:11
AH! Santa! Baby Bottles! AH! Ah! *rolls around in disbelief*
Sarika - 2005-09-03 07:43:05
you are a whore, gump. x
zying - 2005-09-03 09:17:15
hmm hmm. which state u holla from?
krikette - 2005-09-03 18:51:28
i surfed in on your "boys: that share their feelings" ad and i laughed my ass off at this entry. you officially rock. if i actually kept up with my diaryland stuff anymore i'd add you to my buddy list. i did actually start to buy a bottle warmer ducky once from a baby store, but then i thought what you said about the empty mouth fellatio insinuation they've got going on there, and the cute fuzziness wasn't enough in the end to overcome that intendre and make me fork over $8.67. Gotta give them kudos for trying to market both generations though, the sick bastards.
wondermart - 2005-09-03 21:39:22
so, do we get to see pictures of the banner? you got me all excited about it, and then we don't get to see it. no fair.
zying - 2005-09-03 23:36:38
coming from asia 'ere, hahaz. i liked the pj set.
xquzme - 2005-09-04 11:15:08
Bwaaahahahahahahah -- Gump you crack my ass up. As usual. Who needs church when I can catch up on Gump on Sunday morning. (P.S. I want a picture of you in your boss hog jeans...)
Azzy - 2005-09-04 17:33:10
I got here via your new banner so it must be working :)
MagpieFaerie - 2005-09-06 02:44:11
I used to work for Orvis - a company that sells not only a whole helluva lot of fishing crap (think 500 different kind of fishing flies and 6 different kinds of waders, rods, gadgets and doodads) but they also had a thriving selection of dog-related stuff. Beds and blankets and pillows and just .. stuff. I used to work the 3rd shift ordering lines, and in between the perverts we got a lot of requests for breed personalized pillows and sweaters. People are crazy about their pets. Anyway .. thanks for the laugh. I needed that!
Lauren - 2005-09-06 14:01:33
Thanks gumpy! And I do LOVE Oregon Trail (I have it on one of those super old thin thin thin floppy discs doe mac and I've been trying SO hard to find a way to use it). Also, does it bother you that no matter where you lived you ALWAYS shot too much meat and then you had to leave it? That was like...the point of the game. Only not. ANYWAY I loved this entry (though I'm super shy about commenting because no matter how much I read...I feel like one of those stupid groupies and no one likes stupid groupies).

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