
Anisettekiss - 2005-08-23 11:25:33
Is your left hand a more tender lover?
Echo - 2005-08-23 11:27:31
People are looking at me funny because I'm trying not to laugh. hehe.
Blaze - 2005-08-23 11:29:08
Wow, I didn't want to picture that. Thanks a lot. You're not supposed to be updating anyway.
Procrasto - 2005-08-23 11:53:38
I'll be impressed when you wipe your ass with your left foot. But ONLY THEN!
Gumphood - 2005-08-23 12:02:12
For some reason I wanted my penis to be as moveable as an elephant trunk, so IT could do the job. Then I realized -- worst idea ever
Katie - 2005-08-23 12:23:12
A hole new world. Ha. I get it. Puns.
Erika - 2005-08-23 12:26:49
Couldn't you have placed a warning sign on that entry?!?!
Jackie - 2005-08-23 12:35:27
"A hole new world of clean". Okay, thanks for the laugh! Who'd have thunk it! And you were worried about typos. Oh, btw, no pics???? ;)
Andria - 2005-08-23 12:40:38
Talking about your ass-wiping habits is just disgusting. And funny funny funny.
xquzme - 2005-08-23 14:02:16
Gump, you are one classy dude. Only you can put into words what all of us have been losing sleep over. Now I can finally rest.
Gumphood - 2005-08-23 14:10:44
There is no sleep for the damned
Belle - 2005-08-23 14:23:53
Thanks for the visual, Gumpy. Truly enjoyable lunchtime reading. Heh.
Mary - 2005-08-23 15:57:17
I just KNEW you had talents other than your writing ability!!
DanjerusKurves - 2005-08-23 16:34:05
You used a fancy toothbrush to wipe your arse? awesome!
Phil - 2005-08-23 20:10:28
Glad your feeling minty fresh!
Anneliese - 2005-08-24 00:51:38
Um, if you could use your penis to wipe your ass, you could also use it to have anal sex with yourself! Go you! Hahahahahha!
Gumphood - 2005-08-24 08:31:53
For the record -- I would totally have anal sex with myself.
kevin - 2005-08-24 12:49:50
wouldn't it be great if the Good Jesus and Bad Jesus fought like Superman fought himself in "Superman 3"!?
Nikki - 2005-08-24 22:33:00
You just made me WANT to break my hand.

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