
Jackie - 2005-07-28 16:45:57
I drooled over a 17 year old last night, for cryin out loud, and I got a few years on you. I'M going to jail first! HA! Oh, and letches are kinda cool.

And I wish my anserwing machine would break. I would not be upset at that at all. Except it's voice mail. And supposedly, that doesn't break.
Megan - 2005-07-28 16:47:10
Gump, long time no type?! I've been trying to update, but let my preffered lapse and now what a pain in the ass. I'm with you! It's okay to look, wrong to do. It's not our fault all these young girls look so "nice" in their cute little skirts and the like. If the gov/religion really didn't want us to look they would ban those outfits for under 18, right?!
jes - 2005-07-28 16:51:07
if that were me, and you were Dan, I would have killed you.
Anisettekiss - 2005-07-28 17:20:59
All you'd have to say to the Judge is, "Your Honor, LOOK at her. You would too." He'd chuckle and nod, let you off the hook and probably invite you to go golfing. Problem solved. No Jail time.
Kelly - 2005-07-28 17:28:05
I have that skirt and its one of T's favorites. I'm old enough to wear it though. The absolute greatest thing about this entry is that you freakin searched for the picture of the skirt. I mean, how many pictures of hot girls in skirts did you have to go through to find that one? And what I am doing here is pointing out another reason, besides your lecherous stares at a underaged girl, that your girlfriend should move her laser eyes from your head down farther to your crotch, you know, your other head. the one that obviously was doing too much thinking last night. Thats where the damage needs to be done. Oh an by the way, if she looked 15, she was probably 11. that should make you feel better.
Gumphood - 2005-07-28 17:29:55
Unless it was a Female Judge. Then I would DO her! *humps desk*
Kellie - 2005-07-28 17:31:31
I'm without the "y" which makes ME better!

I'm only 17, does that make me old enough to wear HOT skirts? I think it does.
Roman Polanski - 2005-07-28 19:38:07
Hey, have you seen The Pianist... I mean, my penis?
awittykitty - 2005-07-28 20:32:35
So what is your definition of "WON"? Did you get "some" from your girlfriend when you got home? If you did, you won. If you didn't, you didn't. We all know men are letches. I watch men checking out women all the time. I even see guys checking me out and I'm elderly. That's just how you guys are wired.
Phil - 2005-07-28 20:37:42
The rule is look but don't drool.
Blaze - 2005-07-29 00:16:57
You are hilarious. Now here's my question: is it weird when girls check out younger guys? By younger I mean, say...16 year old guys...really buff 16 year old guys... JUST ASKING.
addie - 2005-07-29 01:43:12
oh no! nothing wrong with a little under-aged pedafilic panty-glimpsing among lech's, eh? next time make sure she catches you touching yourself and leaning down trying to get a better look at her snatch. no gender is safe from me! mwaha.
Judith - 2005-07-29 02:19:54
Dude,I went all the way to Canada for a 21 year old when I was 35. Not illegal but still raised a few eyebrows. So therefore, thinking an underager is sexy is not all together awful. Looking is different from doing.
Sarika - 2005-07-29 06:28:50
I remember last year when I was at school, (so 17/18) in the school play, drooling over boys who were probably 15 or 16 which was very, very odd. Especially as i like my men to be MEN (in their 20s these days) and to look like MEN rather than boys, but i must say, they were pretty cute to look at...In a "i would have liked him a few years ago" type way. The whole situation is bizarre... x
Sarika - 2005-07-29 06:35:25
and to add, we have no under-21 issues in the UK, so i guess "underage" is all subjective anyway? Obviously not in legal terms, but you know.. x
Betty - 2005-07-29 09:54:40
Only idiots spell their names "kelly" with an "ie" so no you're not better.
vomitingcod - 2005-07-29 11:37:16
hey, are we balling? Check your damned email, you blogging fool!
bethany - 2005-07-29 12:08:27
If I was your GF, I would have snagged her and suggested a 3-some.
addie - 2005-07-29 12:51:36
well, if you can make a pretty woman then just go out with your chic for a girl's night out... you can talk about women all night long and people will just think your a horny lesbian. which most don't have a problem with... -_-;;; your the gimp to my bdsm lifestyle. hahahahaha. pulp fiction...
Pandi - 2005-07-29 15:23:44
Well, at least I know I'M safe from ya.
Pandi P.S. - 2005-07-29 15:27:39
BWAH! Just read your comment on my last entry. I never got the blonde thing either. Seems to me there are a lot of gorgeous redheads and brunettes in this world. Who are, you know, OLD ENOUGH TO VOTE.
Guy With Shirt - 2005-07-29 16:11:14
You know, I've got like the boner the size of a mohawk over here.
Mark Bellhorn - 2005-07-29 16:12:39
I hate you Alex Cora
MECHAGUMP - 2005-07-29 16:13:02
Gumphood - 2005-07-29 16:15:56
I'm mostly not just into girls who can vote. I'm into girls that can drink.

By that I mean girls with mouths. (oh god that was bad).

I guess while I am still in trouble...

Q:What's the best thing about twenty eight year olds?

A: There are 20 of them.
Anisettekiss - 2005-07-29 17:34:08
Gump has a banner... Gump has a banner... I clicked it.
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